@imok said:
BF is near. Anyone tag me if you see a good deal please.
I know I'm a new provider, I there's a couple special deals going into the blackfriday mega thread that are limited offer.
However with that said, I do have storage VMs, My plan sizes are 2, 5, 10 and 20. My blackfriday offer code will make them $2/TB/month, which unfortunately is still probably more than you're expecting. The arrays are pretty beefy and should have some good IOPs, and the network is routed out of Frantech / BuyVM in NYC.
The plan only comes with 2 cores by default, I can add 2 cores to it since I know if you're running PBS it's not gonna be a core blaster 9000.
If you end up wanting to try it dm me here on LES and I'll give your account credit so you can try it for a month free, on the recurring bf code.
Where is the offer code? :-) ... I need one server for PBS too
@ZizzyDizzyMC Hey! That would be great. Thanks.
Where is the offer code? :-) ... I need one server for PBS too
Use this promo code for 50% recurring discount:
See this offer: https://lowendspirit.com/discussion/8770/50-discount-recurs-2-63-tb-vps-hdd-up-to-16-tb-or-attach-hdd-as-secondary-disks-on-vps-nvme-ssd/p1?new=1
How about a pbs-account, encrypt data and just do backups and pay for storage used? PM if interesting.
Mikael Krantz
email: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] No Ack Infrastruktur AB aka No Ack Hosting
Damn bro been a minute since I have a seen a pbs account.
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Easy to fix. And backups done with crypto np.
Better then host a server somewhere to store backups and for once cheaper.
Mikael Krantz
email: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] No Ack Infrastruktur AB aka No Ack Hosting
Not knocking it man they always have worked great just been a minute since anyone even mentioned them is all.
Free Hosting at YetiNode | MicroNode | Cryptid Security | URL Shortener | LaunchVPS | ExtraVM | Host-C | In the Node, or Out of the Loop?
Are we taking about the job scheduler here?
Proxmox backup system most don't use them anymore and just rsync the backups.
Free Hosting at YetiNode | MicroNode | Cryptid Security | URL Shortener | LaunchVPS | ExtraVM | Host-C | In the Node, or Out of the Loop?
PBS suffers under high latency connections, is that the only reason for rsync? @imok , how is your PBS faring?
Backing up / restoring from Dallas to:
So that's why I'm still looking for something in Dallas.
Unfortunately I still haven't tested Michigan with PBS (the service I got from this thread from Z Plus), but I will set it up this week.
Oh I still have to find a way to run PBS on Netcup's ARM platform. That's 45ms away.
No idea but that could be the case.
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