Request for US dedicated, bare metal server
Looking for a dedicated, bare metal server located in the USA for me and a few friends.
Two excellent scenarios: (1) free or (2) I pay monthly.
Hopefully long term.
No special preference on CPU. Slight preference for
- West Coast;
- IPv4/29 (but IPv4/32 is okay);
- IPv6/48 (but IPv6/64 is okay):
- at least double or even quadruple disks for RAID 1 or 10;
- 10 G (or 1G), not much bandwidth;
- HTML5 IPMI (or maybe you are willing to help with installs);
- Linux and BSD friendly.
Definitely willing to consider other locations and specifications.
No rush on support tickets or anything else.
Okay to PM or to post here.
Thanks! Happy Holidays!
@sh97, @crunchbits, @linveo, @hosteroid, @oplink, @ReliableSite_Radic, @ReliableSiteHosting, @Clouvider, @jfreak53
I hope everyone gets the servers they want!
Thanked by (1)Crab
Just asking for a friend, which OSes support RAID 2?
Haha, I should have said RAID 1, which uses 2 disks. Maybe it's not too late for me to fix the OP?
I like RAID 0!
@Crab Thanks for the correction!
I hope everyone gets the servers they want!
Hey Tom!
We have good availability in both Phoenix and Los Angeles
Clouvider Limited - VPS in 11 datacenters - Intel Xeon/AMD Epyc with NVMe and 10G uplink! | Dedicated Servers
Will you give free dedi to Not_Oles?
No hostname left!
Give it to him!
I hope everyone gets the servers they want!