Simple Help Desk/Ticketing Software?
I'm looking for an open source or at least free help desk for our non-profit that should be able to do the following or at least be easy to customize:
1- No signup! The users just have toenter their Union Number and Membership Number (user input, not in the database) to login.
2- Allows the user to veiw their tickets only upon login.
3- Should be able to add custom fields to tickets or design a form.
3- Has a backend to assign and reply to tickets.
I could make something like this myself, but I'm not confident in my ability to secure it against SQL attacks even when using prepared statements, I also have enough technical knowledge to edit the code to fit my needs if it is needed.
The closest thing I found for my needs was FOSSBilling with some edits to omit the other parts from it but I thought there may be another option.
Thank you and please tell me if I'm unclear about something.
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OSticket and HESK pop to mind.
Relja of House Novović, the First of His Name, King of the Plains, the Breaker of Chains, WirMach Wolves pack member
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Take a look at could probably be made to do what you describe with not to much work.
It's clean, fast and easy and not as bloated as most other helpdesks.
There seems to be limited activity on the github so it could be abandoned, or it has simply reached a state where no further development is needed.
This would be an interesting option, but they’ve put so much into paid add-ons the “free” part barely functions as a help desk.
Thanks everyone!
I settled on HESK for now, it seems like the easiest one to customize so far.
I stopped using OSTicket around 2012-2015. Too many hacks and not secure. Did it get better?
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Also used osticket in the past. Good stuff
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