Simple Help Desk/Ticketing Software?

edited November 2024 in Help


I'm looking for an open source or at least free help desk for our non-profit that should be able to do the following or at least be easy to customize:

1- No signup! The users just have toenter their Union Number and Membership Number (user input, not in the database) to login.
2- Allows the user to veiw their tickets only upon login.
3- Should be able to add custom fields to tickets or design a form.
3- Has a backend to assign and reply to tickets.

I could make something like this myself, but I'm not confident in my ability to secure it against SQL attacks even when using prepared statements, I also have enough technical knowledge to edit the code to fit my needs if it is needed.

The closest thing I found for my needs was FOSSBilling with some edits to omit the other parts from it but I thought there may be another option.

Thank you and please tell me if I'm unclear about something.


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