What DirectAdmin Layout Do You Use?

Mostly asking for email users (MXroute, OnePoundEmail) but web users are welcome to answer.
I am using the Sidebar layout by default - I think it's the best for Email. You?
What DirectAdmin Layout Do You Use?
- What DirectAdmin Layout Do You Use?31 votes
- Standard12.90%
- Sidebar  3.23%
- Icons Grid54.84%
- Hybrid16.13%
- Refreshed12.90%
Michael from DragonWebHost & OnePoundEmail
I don't know how they are called but I have these ones in my MX Route accounts and both are OK.
And I say OK even when DA layout/UX is garbage.
Refreshed + Standard
Michael from DragonWebHost & OnePoundEmail
Icons Grid
Lifetime plans from $ 12 - Silicom Network
I miss the old skin
Icons Grid
I use hybrid on my own VPSes and whatever is set for MXRoute/OnePoundEmail i.e I don't change from the provider's default.
It wisnae me! A big boy done it and ran away.
NVMe2G for life! until death (the end is nigh)
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We are not a hosting provider but are using Evolution Skin.
Definitely seems like most are trying to make it cPanel-like and using icons. I think it's the best one for familiarity.
Michael from DragonWebHost & OnePoundEmail
In our setup, we use the Sidebar layout as the default for DirectAdmin. The sidebar layout offers a more intuitive experience, especially for users focused on email management.