Tencent EdgeOne Pages - Free Static Hosting


Product of China's top Internet company, free CDN to worldwide.

Thanked by (1)treesmokah


  • this is shit!!!!!!

  • @Laura said:
    this is shit!!!!!!

    Both Github Pages and Cloudflare Pages are blocked in China.
    It might be a good choice for pages for Chinese visitors.

    Thanked by (2)MikeA treesmokah
  • XI data B)

  • free for 14 days and a massive 10GB

  • @someTom said:
    free for 14 days and a massive 10GB

    The trail limitation only for CDN.
    "Pages" is an independent module, totally free.

  • @Laura said:
    this is shit!!!!!!

    And this is a truly valuable post 👍

    @someTom said:
    free for 14 days and a massive 10GB

    They say the following at the bottom (FAQs):

    Is there a free plan available?
    We offer a nearly unlimited free version that will always be available, allowing unrestricted use of the basic features of our product. We will continue to enhance our advanced capabilities while ensuring the stability of our service. As we move towards commercialization, the free version may have certain limitations, such as daily build limits, and we will notify you in a timely manner.

    Thanked by (1)ccc
  • MikeAMikeA Hosting ProviderOG
    edited September 28

    @ccc said:

    @Laura said:
    this is shit!!!!!!

    Both Github Pages and Cloudflare Pages are blocked in China.
    It might be a good choice for pages for Chinese visitors.

    I didn't know this. Since CloudFlare operates in mainland China and is allowed, are they just blocking CF Pages by itself? I didn't even know CF ran Pages on its own subnets.

  • @MikeA said:

    @ccc said:

    @Laura said:
    this is shit!!!!!!

    Both Github Pages and Cloudflare Pages are blocked in China.
    It might be a good choice for pages for Chinese visitors.

    I didn't know this. Since CloudFlare operates in mainland China and is allowed, are they just blocking CF Pages by itself? I didn't even know CF ran Pages on its own subnets.

    Cloudflare has its own company in Mainland China but it mostly used for enterprise customers got ICP verified in China.

    Cloudflare Pages, also Wrap, as well as Github, is not completely blocked, but intermittent block. Once someone reaches block rules, the wholesubnet will be blocked temporarily for around 5-10 minutes. With the growth of Chinese users, CF pages and github pages is getting more and more unstable.

    Thanked by (3)MikeA dosai Otus9051
  • @ccc said:

    @MikeA said:

    @ccc said:

    @Laura said:
    this is shit!!!!!!

    Both Github Pages and Cloudflare Pages are blocked in China.
    It might be a good choice for pages for Chinese visitors.

    I didn't know this. Since CloudFlare operates in mainland China and is allowed, are they just blocking CF Pages by itself? I didn't even know CF ran Pages on its own subnets.

    Cloudflare has its own company in Mainland China but it mostly used for enterprise customers got ICP verified in China.

    Cloudflare Pages, also Wrap, as well as Github, is not completely blocked, but intermittent block. Once someone reaches block rules, the wholesubnet will be blocked temporarily for around 5-10 minutes. With the growth of Chinese users, CF pages and github pages is getting more and more unstable.


    Thanked by (1)Dazzle
  • @Josu said:
    XI data B)

    I Xi what you did there

    Thanked by (1)someTom
  • Good stuff, thanks for sharing.

    Thanked by (1)ccc
  • edited September 29

    Hehe, auto-mirror to the Great Xi's home servers. I bet he has nice used Dell Optiplex to store all those juicy static pages. Just for reference.

    Thanked by (1)ccc
  • @ccc said: Cloudflare Pages, also Wrap, as well as Github, is not completely blocked, but intermittent block

    We were working with a 'known' large chinese company some years ago, even basic things like docker hub, github wouldn't work.
    There were constant outages as you mentioned.

    we ended replicating quite a lot of setup, including a private docker registry, Git Server, CDN etc.
    AWS has decent service within china but it is incredibly hard to get a good connection between your servers within china and ones that are outside,

    Thanked by (1)ccc

    My Personal Blog | Currently Building LoadMyCode

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