Host-C storage 5TB Pioneer for transfer
Giving away this service as they've finally activated 2.5gbit FTTH at every physical location included my garage i have so i can now backup off-site, on-prem.
Registration Date
Recurring Amount
$12.50 USD
Billing Cycle
Next Due Date
Payment Method
Bank Transfer
It's this one:
Asking for (12.50/90)x[number of days left to due date]x0.8 or a 12.50€ donation of your choice to any organisation for privacy and/or digital rights.
Assuming they allow transfers, I'm interested.
Do you have an active account with them? @host_c do you allow transfers?
Still available? I am interested and I have an account. Thanks
yes, there is a 5 USD transfer fee on any transfer with us.
it can either be payed by the seller or by the new owner.
sorry to see you go, hope we can meet another time.
Host-C - VPS & Storage VPS Services – Reliable, Scalable and Fast - AS211462
"If there is no struggle there is no progress"
@tetech please pay the transfer and ask for transfer of service number "580". Tell me your preferred payment method for the remaining sum.
@foxone Thanks! Paid transfer and opened ticket. Can I transfer remainder to you via PayPal?
Oh shoot!!
I just remembered forgot to pay the bill.