Hello LES community , so we have a customer with wired fetish for this CPU Model , and we don't found anyone on internet to sell, just on china
I'm just curious , have anyone from here 2x CPUs E5-2679 v4 of this model on SUA or Europe? For sell?
Thanks for help!
Why you dont buy from aliexpress ?
Possibly @NathanCore4? He may not have the exact model, but probably something very close to it.
The closest I have is E5-2683 V4 - $32 each
it's make me curious, after searching i realize it's special cpu made for ebay.
"...custom “Broadwell” Xeon E5-2679 v4 processor with 20 cores running at 3.3 GHz, which is rated at 200 watts..."
but still, why
I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.
@Calin - if you buy it from Aliexpress or eBay, maybe you can also provide some benchmark. Maybe there is some secret efficiency we don't know about. In case it proves to be highly efficient, maybe you can also add it on some offers for storage VPS.
Stop the planet! I wish to get off!
Calin's cousin has stolen a Triton liquid cooling system. /s
No, No, No he built it out of a long forgotten and abandoned nuclear reactor cooling system 😎
Edit: screw phone preditictive text I can make enough of my own mistakes with fat thumbs
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Interesting , why this customer need this CPU for this things , very very wired
X-post from myself on OGF:
I’ve come across a similar situation once when I was still working in the industrial automation sector. One of the PCs that was controlling a part of the machine broke down and it appeared to be the CPU. This specific CPU was also hard to find because the PC was already 10 years old at the time. I suggested to swap out the entire PC for something more recent but I was told we could not; the machine was certified with this exact setup. Swapping the PC or even changing the CPU type would mean the entire machine would have to be re-certified. I wish I was joking but legal told me this was really the case. If something were to happen with the machine afterwards, the customer could blame it on the incorrect CPU type and even in case of liability insurance could be waived as well… So yes, we also resorted to second hand markets and new-old stock sellers and paid a hefty price. It was a learning opportunity as well, since iirc the company kept at least one CPU type in stock of each PC that were bundled with their machines lol.
Coming back to this topic; there was also a software lock. Even if you ignored the legal aspect, the software wouldn’t boot if the CPU type wouldn’t exactly match. So maybe Calin’s customer is in a similar type of situation….
Damn.. That's 2k spent on aliexpress on CPUs alone! You can get 4x E5-2699 v4 from there for the same price and still have enough money left over for the DHL express shipping to any other country...
My previous company had a similar issue where the control PC for the machine was hardware is locked down using a physical USB key that validates the system specs on every boot... So if the system hardware changes, it will boot into the OS just fine but the software won't launch... Multi million dollar machine obsolete cause the PC broke down and the manufacturer company got bought off...
If you can’t be kind, at least be vague.