.US TLD Locality Domain Names

Does anyone have any experience, opinions, successes or difficulties you can share regarding usage of .US TLD Locality domain names?

This is the historical original use of the .US TLD, that is today still very much active and still in use, based largely on RFC1480. In fact, until 2002, when second-level domain names first became publicly available in the .US TLD, the locality structure was the only usage of .US since the 1980s, when .US was first established together with .COM, .NET, .ORG, .EDU, .GOV, .MIL and .INT.


  • Not a fan. Biggest reason - can't hide your WHOIS info.

  • @don_keedic said:
    Not a fan. Biggest reason - can't hide your WHOIS info.

    If your locality domain is administered by a third-party entity, rather than directly by the .US Registry, then it will not appear in the WHOIS.

  • @Joseph said: This is the historical original use of the .US TLD, that is today still very much active and still in use, based largely on RFC1480. In fact, until 2002, when second-level domain names first became publicly available in the .US TLD, the locality structure was the only usage of .US since the 1980s, when .US was first established together with .COM, .NET, .ORG, .EDU, .GOV, .MIL and .INT.

    Which GPT are you using?


  • edited April 22

    @Otus9051 said:
    Which GPT are you using?


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