MetalVPS at Crunchbits: E3-1245, 2 vCores, 4 GB DDR4 ECC, 1000GB SSD RAID 10, 1 Gbps, $1.01 once!



  • Not_OlesNot_Oles Hosting ProviderContent Writer

    Here is another peek inside Crunchy! Still two places available!

    root@crunchy:~# date 
    Wed Apr  3 10:04:50 PM UTC 2024
    root@crunchy:~# w
     22:04:53 up 22 days,  6:26,  3 users,  load average: 0.52, 0.80, 0.82
    USER     TTY      FROM             LOGIN@   IDLE   JCPU   PCPU WHAT
    root     pts/4    22:04    5.00s  0.01s  0.00s w
    subenhon pts/6    tmux(2755).%0    12Mar24 22days  9days  0.00s /bin/bash ./
    subenhon pts/7    tmux(2755).%1    13Mar24 19days  6:55m  0.00s /bin/bash ./
    root@crunchy:~# vnstat -i enp1s0f1
    Database updated: 2024-04-03 22:05:00
       enp1s0f1 since 2024-03-04
              rx:  325.45 GiB      tx:  279.48 GiB      total:  604.93 GiB
                         rx      |     tx      |    total    |   avg. rate
           2024-03    320.95 GiB |  275.95 GiB |  596.89 GiB |    1.91 Mbit/s
           2024-04      4.50 GiB |    3.54 GiB |    8.04 GiB |  273.69 kbit/s
         estimated     46.26 GiB |   36.32 GiB |   82.58 GiB |
                         rx      |     tx      |    total    |   avg. rate
         yesterday      1.49 GiB |    1.84 GiB |    3.33 GiB |  330.82 kbit/s
             today      1.76 GiB |    1.07 GiB |    2.83 GiB |  305.82 kbit/s
         estimated      1.91 GiB |    1.16 GiB |    3.08 GiB |
    root@crunchy:~# free -h
                   total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   available
    Mem:            62Gi        23Gi       766Mi       2.0Mi        38Gi        38Gi
    Swap:          4.0Gi       266Mi       3.7Gi
    root@crunchy:~# df -h .
    Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
    /dev/mapper/vg0-root  3.7T  233G  3.3T   7% /
    root@crunchy:~# virsh list --all
     Id   Name            State
     1    vm101-crunchy   running
     2    vm103-crunchy   running
     3    vm102-crunchy   running
     4    vm100-crunchy   running
     6    vm104-crunchy   running
     8    vm105-crunchy   running
     10   vm106-crunchy   running
     12   vm107-crunchy   running
     -    vm1-crunchy     shut off
     -    vm2-crunchy     shut off

    Thanks to @crunchbits for awesome Crunchy! <3

    I hope everyone gets the servers they want!

  • AuroraZeroAuroraZero ModeratorHosting ProviderRetired

    @Not_Oles PMing you

    Thanked by (1)Not_Oles
  • Not_OlesNot_Oles Hosting ProviderContent Writer


    Ubuntu's MOTD is telling us "*** System restart required ***".

    Does everybody have everything backed up? :)

    Any issues with a reboot, maybe about 00:00 UTC Thursday April 11?

    Right now, aboard Crunchy:

    root@crunchy:~# date
    Tue Apr  9 05:32:32 AM UTC 2024
    root@crunchy:~# uptime
     05:32:39 up 27 days, 13:54,  3 users,  load average: 1.44, 1.20, 1.17
    root@crunchy:~# vnstat -i enp1s0f1
    Database updated: 2024-04-09 05:30:00
       enp1s0f1 since 2024-03-04
              rx:  408.57 GiB      tx:  394.37 GiB      total:  802.94 GiB
                         rx      |     tx      |    total    |   avg. rate
           2024-03    320.95 GiB |  275.95 GiB |  596.89 GiB |    1.91 Mbit/s
           2024-04     87.62 GiB |  118.43 GiB |  206.05 GiB |    2.49 Mbit/s
         estimated    319.42 GiB |  431.73 GiB |  751.16 GiB |
                         rx      |     tx      |    total    |   avg. rate
         yesterday     53.46 GiB |   75.43 GiB |  128.89 GiB |   12.81 Mbit/s
             today     24.22 GiB |   28.27 GiB |   52.49 GiB |   22.77 Mbit/s
         estimated    105.69 GiB |  123.34 GiB |  229.03 GiB |
    root@crunchy:~# virsh list --all
     Id   Name            State
     1    vm101-crunchy   running
     2    vm103-crunchy   running
     3    vm102-crunchy   running
     4    vm100-crunchy   running
     6    vm104-crunchy   running
     8    vm105-crunchy   running
     10   vm106-crunchy   running
     12   vm107-crunchy   running
     -    vm1-crunchy     shut off
     -    vm2-crunchy     shut off

    Please note that we still have two VMs available. If interested, please read the OP.

    Thanks to @crunchbits for wonderful Crunchy! <3 Thanks to our Neighbors using Crunchy's VPSes! <3


    I hope everyone gets the servers they want!

  • YmpkerYmpker OGContent WriterSenpai

    Glad to see this project still going strong! Thanks @Not_Oles and everyone involved for providing this learning environment :D

    Thanked by (2)Not_Oles Lantern1368
  • @Not_Oles said:

    You can proceed :)

    Thanked by (1)Not_Oles
  • Not_OlesNot_Oles Hosting ProviderContent Writer

    Looks like the update and reboot went okay! New versions of libvirt and qemu now running. If anyone notices a problem, please post here. Thanks to all the Crunchy neighbors, and thanks especially to @crunchbits for wonderful Crunchy! <3

    root@crunchy:~# date -u
    Thu Apr 11 12:08:05 AM UTC 2024
    root@crunchy:~# uptime
     00:08:13 up 4 min,  1 user,  load average: 0.50, 0.72, 0.35
    root@crunchy:~# virsh list --all
     Id   Name            State
     1    vm102-crunchy   running
     2    vm106-crunchy   running
     3    vm105-crunchy   running
     4    vm101-crunchy   running
     5    vm100-crunchy   running
     6    vm107-crunchy   running
     7    vm103-crunchy   running
     8    vm104-crunchy   running
     -    vm1-crunchy     shut off
     -    vm2-crunchy     shut off
    root@crunchy:~# vnstat -i enp1s0f1
    Database updated: 2024-04-11 00:05:00
       enp1s0f1 since 2024-03-04
              rx:  475.78 GiB      tx:  498.78 GiB      total:  974.56 GiB
                         rx      |     tx      |    total    |   avg. rate
           2024-03    320.95 GiB |  275.95 GiB |  596.89 GiB |    1.91 Mbit/s
           2024-04    154.83 GiB |  222.84 GiB |  377.66 GiB |    3.75 Mbit/s
         estimated    464.32 GiB |  668.27 GiB |    1.11 TiB |
                         rx      |     tx      |    total    |   avg. rate
         yesterday     66.34 GiB |  103.35 GiB |  169.69 GiB |   16.87 Mbit/s
             today      1.12 MiB |  247.55 KiB |    1.36 MiB |   38.02 kbit/s
         estimated    321.99 MiB |   69.62 MiB |  391.61 MiB |

    I hope everyone gets the servers they want!

  • Not_OlesNot_Oles Hosting ProviderContent Writer

    Also, we still have two slots available! Please read the OP if you want one! Thanks!

    I hope everyone gets the servers they want!

  • Not_OlesNot_Oles Hosting ProviderContent Writer

    Still two VPSes available!

    root@crunchy:~# date
    Tue Apr 16 07:59:35 PM UTC 2024
    root@crunchy:~# uptime
     19:59:38 up 5 days, 19:55,  3 users,  load average: 0.18, 0.24, 0.29
    root@crunchy:~# vnstat -i enp1s0f1
    Database updated: 2024-04-16 19:55:00
       enp1s0f1 since 2024-03-04
              rx:  481.35 GiB      tx:  505.42 GiB      total:  986.77 GiB
                         rx      |     tx      |    total    |   avg. rate
           2024-03    320.95 GiB |  275.95 GiB |  596.89 GiB |    1.91 Mbit/s
           2024-04    160.41 GiB |  229.47 GiB |  389.88 GiB |    2.45 Mbit/s
         estimated    303.99 GiB |  434.88 GiB |  738.87 GiB |
                         rx      |     tx      |    total    |   avg. rate
         yesterday    789.57 MiB |   91.80 MiB |  881.37 MiB |   85.57 kbit/s
             today    665.62 MiB |   70.80 MiB |  736.42 MiB |   86.16 kbit/s
         estimated    802.08 MiB |   85.32 MiB |  887.40 MiB |

    Thanks to @crunchbits for wonderful Crunchy! <3

    I hope everyone gets the servers they want!

  • Not_OlesNot_Oles Hosting ProviderContent Writer


    Several libvirt and libvirt related packages have been upgraded. I'm not expecting any problems, but it could happen. Please let me know about any issues. Thanks!


    root@crunchy:~# apt-get upgrade
      [ . . . ]
    The following packages will be upgraded:
      klibc-utils libgnutls30 libklibc libvirt-clients libvirt-daemon
      libvirt-daemon-config-network libvirt-daemon-config-nwfilter
      libvirt-daemon-driver-qemu libvirt-daemon-system libvirt-daemon-system-systemd
      [ . . . ]
    Running kernel seems to be up-to-date.
    The processor microcode seems to be up-to-date.
    Restarting services...
     systemctl restart packagekit.service systemd-resolved.service
      [ . . . ]
    No user sessions are running outdated binaries.
    No VM guests are running outdated hypervisor (qemu) binaries on this host.

    I hope everyone gets the servers they want!

  • Not_OlesNot_Oles Hosting ProviderContent Writer


    Ubuntu says: "*** System restart required ***" So, let's reboot again. Right now it's Friday April 19 05:10:14 PM UTC 2024. So maybe on Sunday approximately the same time?

    root@crunchy:~# date
    Fri Apr 19 05:10:14 PM UTC 2024
    root@crunchy:~# uptime
     17:11:55 up 8 days, 17:07,  3 users,  load average: 0.32, 0.31, 0.28
    root@crunchy:~# free -h
                   total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   available
    Mem:            62Gi        13Gi        27Gi       2.0Mi        21Gi        48Gi
    Swap:          4.0Gi          0B       4.0Gi
    root@crunchy:~# df -h .
    Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
    /dev/mapper/vg0-root  3.7T  244G  3.3T   7% /
    root@crunchy:~# vnstat -i enp1s0f1
    Database updated: 2024-04-19 17:10:00
       enp1s0f1 since 2024-03-04
              rx:  492.28 GiB      tx:  505.85 GiB      total:  998.14 GiB
                         rx      |     tx      |    total    |   avg. rate
           2024-03    320.95 GiB |  275.95 GiB |  596.89 GiB |    1.91 Mbit/s
           2024-04    171.34 GiB |  229.91 GiB |  401.24 GiB |    2.13 Mbit/s
         estimated    274.64 GiB |  368.53 GiB |  643.18 GiB |
                         rx      |     tx      |    total    |   avg. rate
         yesterday    831.64 MiB |   98.23 MiB |  929.87 MiB |   90.28 kbit/s
             today      9.02 GiB |  176.60 MiB |    9.19 GiB |    1.28 Mbit/s
         estimated     12.61 GiB |  246.89 MiB |   12.85 GiB |
    root@crunchy:~# virsh list --all
     Id   Name            State
     1    vm102-crunchy   running
     2    vm106-crunchy   running
     3    vm105-crunchy   running
     4    vm101-crunchy   running
     5    vm100-crunchy   running
     6    vm107-crunchy   running
     7    vm103-crunchy   running
     8    vm104-crunchy   running
     -    vm1-crunchy     shut off
     -    vm2-crunchy     shut off

    vm106 and vm107 remain available.

    Thanks to @crunchbits for wonderful Crunchy! <3

    Best wishes!


    I hope everyone gets the servers they want!

  • Not_OlesNot_Oles Hosting ProviderContent Writer

    Good morning! Time to reboot in a few minutes! Right now:

    *** System restart required ***
    Last login: Sun Apr 21 01:50:38 2024 from
    root@crunchy:~# date
    Sun Apr 21 04:29:48 PM UTC 2024
    root@crunchy:~# uptime
     16:29:57 up 10 days, 16:25,  3 users,  load average: 0.25, 0.28, 0.28
    root@crunchy:~# free -h
                   total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   available
    Mem:            62Gi        13Gi        25Gi       2.0Mi        23Gi        47Gi
    Swap:          4.0Gi          0B       4.0Gi
    root@crunchy:~# df -h .
    Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
    /dev/mapper/vg0-root  3.7T  245G  3.3T   7% /
    root@crunchy:~# vnstat -i enp1s0f1
    Database updated: 2024-04-21 16:30:00
       enp1s0f1 since 2024-03-04
              rx:  494.27 GiB      tx:  506.33 GiB      total:  0.98 TiB
                         rx      |     tx      |    total    |   avg. rate
           2024-03    320.95 GiB |  275.95 GiB |  596.89 GiB |    1.91 Mbit/s
           2024-04    173.33 GiB |  230.38 GiB |  403.71 GiB |    1.94 Mbit/s
         estimated    251.35 GiB |  334.09 GiB |  585.44 GiB |
                         rx      |     tx      |    total    |   avg. rate
         yesterday      1.24 GiB |  391.42 MiB |    1.62 GiB |  161.24 kbit/s
             today    531.00 MiB |   57.81 MiB |  588.81 MiB |   83.15 kbit/s
         estimated    772.36 MiB |   84.09 MiB |  856.45 MiB |
    root@crunchy:~# virsh list --all
     Id   Name            State
     1    vm102-crunchy   running
     2    vm106-crunchy   running
     3    vm105-crunchy   running
     4    vm101-crunchy   running
     5    vm100-crunchy   running
     6    vm107-crunchy   running
     7    vm103-crunchy   running
     8    vm104-crunchy   running
     -    vm1-crunchy     shut off
     -    vm2-crunchy     shut off

    Thanks to @crunchbits! <3

    Still two VMs available!

    I hope everyone gets the servers they want!

  • Not_OlesNot_Oles Hosting ProviderContent Writer

    Looks like the reboot went okay!

    root@crunchy:~# date; systemctl reboot
    Sun Apr 21 05:10:50 PM UTC 2024
    root@crunchy:~# Connection to closed by remote host.
    Connection to closed.
    chronos@penguin:~/servers/crunchbits/crunchy$ `head -n 1 login` # Really Ctrl-r + `
      [ . . . ] 
    5 updates can be applied immediately. # Really? 
    To see these additional updates run: apt list --upgradable
      [ . . . ] 
    Last login: Sun Apr 21 16:56:03 2024 from
    root@crunchy:~# date -u; uname -r
    Sun Apr 21 05:16:13 PM UTC 2024
    root@crunchy:~# apt list --upgradeable # Why only 4?
    Listing... Done
    python3-update-manager/jammy-updates 1:22.04.20 all [upgradable from: 1:22.04.18]
    sosreport/jammy-updates 4.5.6-0ubuntu1~22.04.2 amd64 [upgradable from: 4.3-1ubuntu2.1]
    ubuntu-advantage-tools/jammy-updates 31.2.2~22.04 amd64 [upgradable from: 27.9~22.04.1]
    update-manager-core/jammy-updates 1:22.04.20 all [upgradable from: 1:22.04.18]
    root@crunchy:~# apt-get update
    Get:1 jammy-security InRelease [110 kB]
    Hit:2 jammy InRelease                
    Hit:3 jammy-updates InRelease
    Hit:4 jammy-backports InRelease
    Fetched 110 kB in 2s (61.9 kB/s)                              
    Reading package lists... Done
    root@crunchy:~# apt-get upgrade
    Reading package lists... Done
    Building dependency tree... Done
    Reading state information... Done
    Calculating upgrade... Done
    The following packages have been kept back:
      python3-update-manager sosreport ubuntu-advantage-tools update-manager-core
    0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 4 not upgraded. # Said 5, listed 4; nothing happens! 
    root@crunchy:~# virsh list --all
     Id   Name            State
     1    vm105-crunchy   running
     2    vm107-crunchy   running
     3    vm106-crunchy   running
     4    vm104-crunchy   running
     5    vm102-crunchy   running
     6    vm101-crunchy   running
     7    vm100-crunchy   running
     8    vm103-crunchy   running
     -    vm1-crunchy     shut off
     -    vm2-crunchy     shut off

    I hope everyone gets the servers they want!

  • Hello, I contacted you on NodeSeek (my ID is the same as NodeSeek) I would also like to have this VPS, if you see it, please contact me through NodeSeek

    Thanked by (1)Not_Oles
  • Not_OlesNot_Oles Hosting ProviderContent Writer

    @chentaiyang said:
    Hello, I contacted you on NodeSeek (my ID is the same as NodeSeek) I would also like to have this VPS, if you see it, please contact me through NodeSeek

    Hi @chentaiyang! Reserving a VM for you! Sent you a message on Nodeseek requesting payment and your ed25519 ssh public key. Thanks for your interest in MetalVPS and Crunchy! <3

    Thanks to @crunchbits for wonderful Crunchy!

    I hope everyone gets the servers they want!

  • Not_OlesNot_Oles Hosting ProviderContent Writer

    @Not_Oles said:

    @chentaiyang said:
    Hello, I contacted you on NodeSeek (my ID is the same as NodeSeek) I would also like to have this VPS, if you see it, please contact me through NodeSeek

    Hi @chentaiyang! Reserving a VM for you! Sent you a message on Nodeseek requesting payment and your ed25519 ssh public key. Thanks for your interest in MetalVPS and Crunchy! <3

    Thanks to @crunchbits for wonderful Crunchy!

    Hi again @chentaiyang! Thanks for your $1.01! Your VM has been assigned and login info has been sent to you via Nodeseek. Welcome to MetalVPS and Crunchy! Good luck and have fun! Let me know, please, if there is anything I can do to help you!

    root@crunchy:~# date -u
    Tue Apr 23 09:07:21 PM UTC 2024
    root@crunchy:~# uptime
     21:07:26 up 2 days,  3:53,  3 users,  load average: 0.78, 0.66, 0.54
    root@crunchy:~# free -h
                   total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   available
    Mem:            62Gi       9.7Gi        41Gi       2.0Mi        11Gi        52Gi
    Swap:          4.0Gi          0B       4.0Gi
    root@crunchy:~# df -h .
    Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
    /dev/mapper/vg0-root  3.7T  245G  3.3T   7% /
    root@crunchy:~# vnstat -i enp1s0f1
    Database updated: 2024-04-23 21:05:00
       enp1s0f1 since 2024-03-04
              rx:  496.22 GiB      tx:  506.56 GiB      total:  0.98 TiB
                         rx      |     tx      |    total    |   avg. rate
           2024-03    320.95 GiB |  275.95 GiB |  596.89 GiB |    1.91 Mbit/s
           2024-04    175.28 GiB |  230.62 GiB |  405.89 GiB |    1.76 Mbit/s
         estimated    229.83 GiB |  302.40 GiB |  532.23 GiB |
                         rx      |     tx      |    total    |   avg. rate
         yesterday    987.04 MiB |  113.60 MiB |    1.07 GiB |  106.86 kbit/s
             today    743.99 MiB |  100.11 MiB |  844.10 MiB |   93.29 kbit/s
         estimated    846.91 MiB |  113.95 MiB |  960.87 MiB |
    root@crunchy:~# virsh list --all
     Id   Name            State
     1    vm105-crunchy   running
     2    vm107-crunchy   running
     3    vm106-crunchy   running
     4    vm104-crunchy   running
     5    vm102-crunchy   running
     6    vm101-crunchy   running
     7    vm100-crunchy   running
     8    vm103-crunchy   running
     -    vm1-crunchy     shut off
     -    vm2-crunchy     shut off

    I hope everyone gets the servers they want!

  • Not_OlesNot_Oles Hosting ProviderContent Writer

    Guys, only one more VM in the current round! Thanks to @crunchbits for wonderful Crunchy! <3

    I hope everyone gets the servers they want!

  • it's amazing

    Thanked by (1)Not_Oles
  • @Not_Oles are you still using the server you got from oneprovider? How's their uptime? I only had for 1 month and they seemed OK for that duration. Wondering if it's the same for you.

    Thanked by (1)Not_Oles

    If you can’t be kind, at least be vague.

  • Hi

    Could i also pay with crypto? I have some Ethereum in the Arbitrum One network!

  • Not_OlesNot_Oles Hosting ProviderContent Writer

    MetalVPS was reviewed on Nodeseek.

    Thanks to @chentaiyang for the review. <3 Thanks to @crunchbits for wonderful Crunchy! <3

    I hope everyone gets the servers they want!

  • Not_OlesNot_Oles Hosting ProviderContent Writer

    Sorry to say that the last of the previously configured VMs on Crunchy has been taken. MetalVPS needs to do something additional. For example, MetalVPS could add additional slots on Crunchy or add an additional bare metal server Node.

    Please continue to follow my posts on Low End Spirit, on Low End Talk, and at Nodeseek. Please feel free to post here, send me a PM, or send me an email if you have any questions. Thank you!

    Thanks to @crunchbits for wonderful Crunchy! <3

    I hope everyone gets the servers they want!

  • Hello, I learned about your project through the nodeseek forum. I have a need for your project and I don’t know if I can get a quota.

    Thanked by (1)Not_Oles
  • Not_OlesNot_Oles Hosting ProviderContent Writer

    @7boss said:
    Hello, I learned about your project through the nodeseek forum. I have a need for your project and I don’t know if I can get a quota.

    Hi @7boss! Welcome to LES! When you have time, please read my post just above your post. :) I hope you enjoy your new membership here at LES! Best wishes! Tom

    I hope everyone gets the servers they want!

  • @Not_Oles said:

    @7boss said:
    Hello, I learned about your project through the nodeseek forum. I have a need for your project and I don’t know if I can get a quota.

    Hi @7boss! Welcome to LES! When you have time, please read my post just above your post. :) I hope you enjoy your new membership here at LES! Best wishes! Tom

    Then will the quota be increased?

    Thanked by (1)Not_Oles
  • Not_OlesNot_Oles Hosting ProviderContent Writer
    edited April 2024

    @7boss said:

    @Not_Oles said:

    @7boss said:
    Hello, I learned about your project through the nodeseek forum. I have a need for your project and I don’t know if I can get a quota.

    Hi @7boss! Welcome to LES! When you have time, please read my post just above your post. :) I hope you enjoy your new membership here at LES! Best wishes! Tom

    Then will the quota be increased?

    I'm not sure yet. :)

    If you look at the vnstat output, there is available bandwidth, because nobody is using much:

    root@crunchy:~# vnstat -i enp1s0f1
    Database updated: 2024-04-26 05:55:00
       enp1s0f1 since 2024-03-04
              rx:  535.42 GiB      tx:  544.30 GiB      total:  1.05 TiB
                         rx      |     tx      |    total    |   avg. rate
           2024-03    320.95 GiB |  275.95 GiB |  596.89 GiB |    1.91 Mbit/s
           2024-04    214.47 GiB |  268.35 GiB |  482.82 GiB |    1.90 Mbit/s
         estimated    254.85 GiB |  318.88 GiB |  573.73 GiB |
                         rx      |     tx      |    total    |   avg. rate
         yesterday     37.84 GiB |   37.44 GiB |   75.28 GiB |    7.48 Mbit/s
             today    265.66 MiB |   88.87 MiB |  354.53 MiB |  139.62 kbit/s
         estimated      1.05 GiB |  360.49 MiB |    1.40 GiB |

    There is available RAM, because, at 4 GB per VM, and 8 VMs, we're only using 32 of Crunchy's 64 GB of DDR4 ECC RAM (although 22 Gi is cached).

    root@crunchy:~# free -h
                   total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   available
    Mem:            62Gi        14Gi        25Gi       2.0Mi        22Gi        47Gi
    Swap:          4.0Gi          0B       4.0Gi

    One issue is that the server only has 8 TB of disk space and each of the existing VMs is assigned 1000 GB. On the other hand, nobody is using much disk space at all:

    root@crunchy:~# cd /var/lib/libvirt/images; ls -lh
    total 40G
    -rw-r--r-- 1 libvirt-qemu kvm  362M Feb 12 01:54 debian-12-generic-amd64.qcow2
    -rw------- 1 libvirt-qemu kvm  2.9G Apr 26 05:51 vm100-crunchy.qcow2
    -rw------- 1 libvirt-qemu kvm  3.1G Apr 26 05:51 vm101-crunchy.qcow2
    -rw------- 1 libvirt-qemu kvm   15G Apr 26 05:51 vm102-crunchy.qcow2
    -rw------- 1 libvirt-qemu kvm  6.3G Apr 26 05:51 vm103-crunchy.qcow2
    -rw------- 1 libvirt-qemu kvm  7.2G Apr 26 05:51 vm104-crunchy.qcow2
    -rw------- 1 libvirt-qemu kvm   13G Apr 26 05:51 vm105-crunchy.qcow2
    -rw------- 1 libvirt-qemu kvm  6.1G Apr 26 04:47 vm106-crunchy.qcow2
    -rw------- 1 libvirt-qemu kvm  1.3G Apr 26 05:51 vm107-crunchy.qcow2
    -rw------- 1 root         root 2.8G Mar 12 15:35 vm1-crunchy.qcow2 # Test VM which is turned off.
    -rw------- 1 root         root 342M Mar 12 15:35 vm2-crunchy.qcow2 # Another test VM, also turned off.

    I guess the reasonable possibilities include adding more disks, decreasing the disk allocation per VM, or adding an additional server Node.

    Adding another Node would be great, but it's hard for me to imagine enough guys willing to pay enough to cover the cost of rental for another Node. We have Crunchy for free until November 8, so that's the only reason why the $1.01 once price could happen.

    I also would love to add some IPv4s and an IPv6/48 to Crunchy.

    Hopefully @crunchbits might chime in here, even though they're quite busy at the moment. @crunchbits has interesting stuff coming up before too long.

    Thanks again for your question! What do you think should be done?

    Special thanks to @crunchbits for gorgeous Crunchy! <3 Thanks to @babywhale for bashvm, which is being used to make the Crunchy VMs.

    Thanked by (1)babywhale

    I hope everyone gets the servers they want!

  • I know about your product from nodeseek. How can I buy Crunchy vps? Can I reply and provide the public key?

  • Not_OlesNot_Oles Hosting ProviderContent Writer

    @zwjacl said:
    I know about your product from nodeseek. How can I buy Crunchy vps? Can I reply and provide the public key?

    Thanks for your interest in Crunchy!

    Maybe you could please read the latest posts here in this thread and also on Nodeseek?

    How to apply is covered in the first post in this thread.

    Thanks again! Best wishes! :)

    I hope everyone gets the servers they want!

  • @Not_Oles said:

    @7boss said:

    @Not_Oles said:

    @7boss said:
    Hello, I learned about your project through the nodeseek forum. I have a need for your project and I don’t know if I can get a quota.

    Hi @7boss! Welcome to LES! When you have time, please read my post just above your post. :) I hope you enjoy your new membership here at LES! Best wishes! Tom

    Then will the quota be increased?

    I'm not sure yet. :)

    If you look at the vnstat output, there is available bandwidth, because nobody is using much:

    root@crunchy:~# vnstat -i enp1s0f1
    Database updated: 2024-04-26 05:55:00
       enp1s0f1 since 2024-03-04
              rx:  535.42 GiB      tx:  544.30 GiB      total:  1.05 TiB
                         rx      |     tx      |    total    |   avg. rate
           2024-03    320.95 GiB |  275.95 GiB |  596.89 GiB |    1.91 Mbit/s
           2024-04    214.47 GiB |  268.35 GiB |  482.82 GiB |    1.90 Mbit/s
         estimated    254.85 GiB |  318.88 GiB |  573.73 GiB |
                         rx      |     tx      |    total    |   avg. rate
         yesterday     37.84 GiB |   37.44 GiB |   75.28 GiB |    7.48 Mbit/s
             today    265.66 MiB |   88.87 MiB |  354.53 MiB |  139.62 kbit/s
         estimated      1.05 GiB |  360.49 MiB |    1.40 GiB |

    There is available RAM, because, at 4 GB per VM, and 8 VMs, we're only using 32 of Crunchy's 64 GB of DDR4 ECC RAM (although 22 Gi is cached).

    root@crunchy:~# free -h
                   total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   available
    Mem:            62Gi        14Gi        25Gi       2.0Mi        22Gi        47Gi
    Swap:          4.0Gi          0B       4.0Gi

    One issue is that the server only has 8 TB of disk space and each of the existing VMs is assigned 1000 GB. On the other hand, nobody is using much disk space at all:

    root@crunchy:~# cd /var/lib/libvirt/images; ls -lh
    total 40G
    -rw-r--r-- 1 libvirt-qemu kvm  362M Feb 12 01:54 debian-12-generic-amd64.qcow2
    -rw------- 1 libvirt-qemu kvm  2.9G Apr 26 05:51 vm100-crunchy.qcow2
    -rw------- 1 libvirt-qemu kvm  3.1G Apr 26 05:51 vm101-crunchy.qcow2
    -rw------- 1 libvirt-qemu kvm   15G Apr 26 05:51 vm102-crunchy.qcow2
    -rw------- 1 libvirt-qemu kvm  6.3G Apr 26 05:51 vm103-crunchy.qcow2
    -rw------- 1 libvirt-qemu kvm  7.2G Apr 26 05:51 vm104-crunchy.qcow2
    -rw------- 1 libvirt-qemu kvm   13G Apr 26 05:51 vm105-crunchy.qcow2
    -rw------- 1 libvirt-qemu kvm  6.1G Apr 26 04:47 vm106-crunchy.qcow2
    -rw------- 1 libvirt-qemu kvm  1.3G Apr 26 05:51 vm107-crunchy.qcow2
    -rw------- 1 root         root 2.8G Mar 12 15:35 vm1-crunchy.qcow2 # Test VM which is turned off.
    -rw------- 1 root         root 342M Mar 12 15:35 vm2-crunchy.qcow2 # Another test VM, also turned off.

    I guess the reasonable possibilities include adding more disks, decreasing the disk allocation per VM, or adding an additional server Node.

    Adding another Node would be great, but it's hard for me to imagine enough guys willing to pay enough to cover the cost of rental for another Node. We have Crunchy for free until November 8, so that's the only reason why the $1.01 once price could happen.

    I also would love to add some IPv4s and an IPv6/48 to Crunchy.

    Hopefully @crunchbits might chime in here, even though they're quite busy at the moment. @crunchbits has interesting stuff coming up before too long.

    Thanks again for your question! What do you think should be done?

    Special thanks to @crunchbits for gorgeous Crunchy! <3 Thanks to @babywhale for bashvm, which is being used to make the Crunchy VMs.

    Thank you so much @crunchbits for hosting this great event and I look forward to more quotas and participation in this event

    Please contact me if more quota is awarded, I'm really looking forward to participating, thank you and @crunchbits again!

    Thanked by (1)Not_Oles
  • Can you tell me what the PayPal receiving account is

    Thanked by (1)Not_Oles
  • Not_OlesNot_Oles Hosting ProviderContent Writer

    @somik said:
    @Not_Oles are you still using the server you got from oneprovider? How's their uptime? I only had for 1 month and they seemed OK for that duration. Wondering if it's the same for you.

    Yeah, it was okay uptime for me as well. Not using them any more. Cheap enough, butonly one disk and not ECC RAM if I remember correctly. For the servers I had, it seemed that their installs might have been at least partially by hand. Their FreeBSD panel auto-installs were an old EOL version, sometimes took hours, and seemed not always to succeed. Once I found what looked like install / setup commands in root's shell history. Also it seemed that the same servers were available directly from the underlying provider for about the same price and with additional IPv6 if I remember correctly. It was fun to try, though, and we had some nice discussions in those threads!

    I hope everyone gets the servers they want!

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