Free Shared Hosting
Friendly greetings! ππ
This is my way of giving back to this awesome LES community.
Plan Details
* 5GB NVMe Storage
* Unmetered Bandwidth
* DirectAdmin Control Panel
* Location: New York
* Powered by a DirectAdmin Crate 250G
* Be awesome! Be kind, gentle, friendly, positive, and polite! (Shamelessly stolen from @Not_Oles )
* Active participation on LES is required
* No Service Level Agreement (SLA)
* No Refunds
* NameCrane's Terms of Service and Acceptable Use Policy also applies!
* Zero tolerance for abuse of any kind
How To Sign Up
Shoot me a PM!
(If there is enough demand I setup an automated signup process)
Please post all support requests, comments, and feedback here in this thread.
(If there is enough demand I will setup a ticket system)
Ways to Help Out
1. I'm looking for a few trusted, long standing community members to help administer the service and answer support requests as well as provide redundancy in my absence to ensure that project isn't controlled by one sole person and it able to continue when life gets in the way
2. In the future maybe we take donations for those who would like to donate? (Not Sure)
You duck the demand a bit by not posting in the "Offers & FREE STUFF"-category :-P
hello AaronSS, long time no speak
hope your doing fine and thank you for this warm feeling.
off course we can help, just let us know how
Is the service hosted or otherwise affiliated with NameCrane?
It's hosted with NameCrane, yes.
Everyone I had a big life changing experience this weekend and I can no longer do this. Sorry </3
hope everything is okay. Take care and look after yourself.
Hope nothing serious !!! Take care and enjoy the life
I believe in good luck. Harder that I work ,luckier i get.
please tell you are ok and share if you want.
Wishing you the best in all your endeavors. Focusing on the important things in life always comes first.
Thank you NameCrane.
If it is okay with @AaronSS I can offer some help on my Free plan.
Send me a PM and sign up on my site. I will get you sorted.
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