Happy Black Friday Folks! - 75% off not clickbait! [UPDATED with 2GB Plans]
Happy Black Friday Folks!
I hope everything is great in the LES world.
Sorry I don't get to spend much time on the forums these days, I am always knee-deep in projects (In the best possible way) and I am too easy to distract so I try to stay off forums as much these days in the name of progress
I have had a careful look at what the best deal I can do this year is and here it is, we are going rock bottom prices, and the maximum discount this year but please understand this means are willingness to bend to requests is essentially 0 this year.
Offers Available in:
- Amsterdam, Netherlands
- Frankfurt, Germany
- Phoenix USA
- 2 CPU Core (Equal Share)
- 4 GB Ram
- 50 GB NVMe SSD Disk space
- 12000 GB Bandwidth @ 1 gbit (shared)
- 1 x IPv4 address
- 1 x /64 IPv6
- Complimentary DDoS protection
Order links:
- 2 CPU Core (Equal Share)
- 8 GB Ram
- 100 GB Pure NVMe SSD Disk space
- 24000 GB Bandwidth @ 1 gbit (shared)
- 1 x IPv4 address
- 1 x /64 IPv6
- Complimentary DDoS protection
Order Links:
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Frankfurt, Germany
Phoenix USA
2GB Plans added. - No discount code needed - €20 per year.
- 4 CPU Core (Equal Share)
- 16 GB Ram
- 200 GB Pure NVMe SSD Disk space
- 48000 GB Bandwidth @ 1 gbit (shared)
- 1 x IPv4 address
- 1 x /64 IPv6
- Complimentary DDoS protection
Order Links:
Now I will try to answer any questions I can in advance, please take a second to read the PFAQ (Predicted)
- Can I pay Monthly? || If there is any space left on Cyber Monday I will see what I can do but for now, no.
- Can I use this for bulk mail? || No not for any reason.
- Is Tor allowed? || No not for any reason.
- Can I switch my current plan to this? || No not for any reason, although you are welcome to cancel and order this and self-migrate.
- Regarding number 4, will you make an exception? || Sorry no.
- Can I upgrade later and keep the discount? || Sorry no.
- Is Direct Admin still available? || Sorry, Direct Admin decided they wanted people to order licenses from them directly and stopped offering these.
- Do you support Windows? || Sorry no.
- How do I pay? || PayPal, Credit/Debit card, Multiple Crypto options.
- Do you offer refunds? || No products sold during the Black Friday, or Cyber Monday period will be refundable not for any reason, any chargebacks will result in you being reported to 3 separate fraud detection agencies that 90% of all hosts use and this will impact your ability to get hosting in the future, the terms are available in advance, no one is forcing you to buy this, we will provide exactly what we are offering.
- What does Equal share mean on CPU ? || see https://inceptionhosting.com/terms.html item 1, "Server Abuse"
- Where are your terms of service? || https://inceptionhosting.com/terms.html
- Can I test your network in advance? || We have a speed test site on https://as62240.net
- What Network are you on? || Clouvider AS62240
- Can I change locations after purchase? || Sorry no.
- I expected a faster Network/Disk ? || At this time of year everyone buys and immediately benchmarks, it can genuinely take a week to return to normal service, it is just the nature of the beast.
- What CPU's do you use? || We have a mix of Intel Xeon- E-2276G, E-2278G, E-2288G There is no guarantee of which one you will get.
- Why only 1 Gbit? || The nodes are connected at 10 Gbit but we have a QOS running, you will be able to burst higher than 1 Gbit for shorter periods of time.
- What happens if I run out of bandwidth? || You probably need a dedicated server not a VPS
But your service will be suspended until the 1st of the next month.
- I had a different question? || Feel free to ask!
Please do not use the PM system here for Inception Hosting support issues.
No storage offers?
Want free vps ? https://microlxc.net
Your website is blocked for me
✨🎁 Low end deals Telegram tracker: https://t.me/lowendweb
Still reject Chinaman?
Ontario Dildo Inspector
Afraid not
I guess thats the China Firewall.
We do not accept orders from Iran, China or Brazil.
Please do not use the PM system here for Inception Hosting support issues.
hey Ant,
tell us something interesting you had that kept you away from us aLL this time.
we miss you
hope al is good
Gout, and fun projects, all top secret of course!
And I miss you too, your avatar looks insane in the bets possible way.
Please do not use the PM system here for Inception Hosting support issues.
Is there any ability to change the storage size? I'm only using about 20 gigs but my kvm image unrolls to around 100. Would be nice to have another backup. I could probably mount the images and copy everything across but I just can't be assed to.
My pronouns are like/subscribe.
Afraid not, the plans need to stay pretty static disk space-wise.
Please do not use the PM system here for Inception Hosting support issues.
Something smaller ?
"How miserable life is in the abuses of power..."
F. Battiato ---
If there is anything left on Cyber Monday, perhaps.
Please do not use the PM system here for Inception Hosting support issues.
any UK Packages ?
I will wait...
"How miserable life is in the abuses of power..."
F. Battiato ---
No BlackFriday on 16GB VPS ?
UK is pretty much full, its hard to balance stock there it is so popular, but we will see what none renewals from last year we get and take it from there.
Please do not use the PM system here for Inception Hosting support issues.
Thx. Powerful beasts, well-balanced perfs. Just renewed my Special Hamsterdumb VPS from last year.
This one's a keeper
Indeed it is hard to let it go. It just runs.
Evening Ant, can you twist Dom’s arm to bring the gift of a sweet dedi deal or two?
I am happy to ask, stand by
Please do not use the PM system here for Inception Hosting support issues.
I don't fully understand Question 18. Last year the VPS deployed in AMS an FRA had 10Gig net and those in LON, PHO had 1Gig. Will all be limited to 1Gig now?
Also, FRA is E-2278G only, right?
If you got a plan advertised with 10 Gbit, you get 10 Gbit
there won't be any retrospective changes made.
FRA has a mix now, but I do believe most are 2278G there yes.
Please do not use the PM system here for Inception Hosting support issues.
Most certainly :-) we are in this year 👍👍👍
Clouvider Limited - VPS in 11 datacenters - Intel Xeon/AMD Epyc with NVMe and 10G uplink! | Dedicated Servers
Soooooo sweeeeeeeet
I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.
Happy to keep renewing older purchases for the stellar performance and reliability. Keep up the good work guys!
I got a similar plan to the first one in this offer at a previous BF with almost double the price. Absolute beast of a server, zero downtime in 1 year (I've monitored this very closely with 2 services).
You guys are my favorite VPS provider so far. I'm barely holding back from buying more.
We missed you @InceptionHosting
thanks for answering that, I was going to ask a question regarding the same