** BLACK FRIDAY ** Blazingly fast AMD Epyc 9554 (Genoa - Zen 4)

gleertgleert Hosting Provider

Check out our NL super fast pure NVMe VMs

All orders include:

  • AMD EPYC 9554 (3.1 Ghz base)
  • 2.5 Gbe network
  • IPv4 + IPv6
  • NVMe RAID 10
  • KVM Virtualisation
  • Located in The Netherlands

1 vCore - 2GB Ram - 50GB NVMe Disk - 5TB BW - 20 €/year (+vat if applicable) - Order Now

2 vCores - 4GB Ram - 100GB NVMe Disk - 10TB BW - 40 €/year (+vat if applicable) - Order Now

3 vCores - 6GB Ram - 150GB NVMe Disk - 15TB BW - 60 €/year (+vat if applicable) - Order Now

4 vCores - 8GB Ram - 200GB NVMe Disk - 20TB BW - 80 €/year (+vat if applicable) - Order Now

[and all other configurations](Order Now "and all other configurations")

Our VPSes (ask for a recurring coupon code) Mailchannels low volume plans



  • Been mostly lurking, but logged in to put in a good word for this provider. Got their 2 GB BF offer 2 years ago which came with 30 GB NVMe back then. It's been solid, runs fine whenever I needed it. Cool to see the disk bumped up this time. Tempting, but trying to avoid idling boxes, so we'll see. :)

    Thanked by (2)gleert loay
  • gleertgleert Hosting Provider
    # ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## #
    #              Yet-Another-Bench-Script              #
    #                     v2023-09-06                    #
    # https://github.com/masonr/yet-another-bench-script #
    # ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## #
    Thu Nov 23 10:53:46 PM UTC 2023
    Basic System Information:
    Uptime     : 0 days, 0 hours, 2 minutes
    Processor  : AMD EPYC 9554P 64-Core Processor
    CPU cores  : 4 @ 3099.998 MHz
    AES-NI     : ✔ Enabled
    VM-x/AMD-V : ✔ Enabled
    RAM        : 7.8 GiB
    Swap       : 0.0 KiB
    Disk       : 196.8 GiB
    Distro     : Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS
    Kernel     : 5.15.0-46-generic
    VM Type    : KVM
    IPv4/IPv6  : ✔ Online / ✔ Online
    IPv6 Network Information:
    ISP        : NextGenWebs, S.L.
    ASN        : AS41608 NextGenWebs, S.L.
    Host       : NextGenWebs, S.L.
    Location   : Amsterdam, North Holland (NH)
    Country    : Netherlands
    fio Disk Speed Tests (Mixed R/W 50/50):
    Block Size | 4k            (IOPS) | 64k           (IOPS)
      ------   | ---            ----  | ----           ---- 
    Read       | 392.42 MB/s  (98.1k) | 5.20 GB/s    (81.2k)
    Write      | 393.46 MB/s  (98.3k) | 5.23 GB/s    (81.7k)
    Total      | 785.89 MB/s (196.4k) | 10.43 GB/s  (163.0k)
               |                      |                     
    Block Size | 512k          (IOPS) | 1m            (IOPS)
      ------   | ---            ----  | ----           ---- 
    Read       | 15.02 GB/s   (29.3k) | 16.10 GB/s   (15.7k)
    Write      | 15.81 GB/s   (30.8k) | 17.18 GB/s   (16.7k)
    Total      | 30.84 GB/s   (60.2k) | 33.28 GB/s   (32.5k)
    iperf3 Network Speed Tests (IPv4):
    Provider        | Location (Link)           | Send Speed      | Recv Speed      | Ping           
    -----           | -----                     | ----            | ----            | ----           
    Clouvider       | London, UK (10G)          | 2.40 Gbits/sec  | busy            | 7.73 ms        
    Scaleway        | Paris, FR (10G)           | busy            | busy            | 11.0 ms        
    NovoServe       | North Holland, NL (40G)   | 2.49 Gbits/sec  | 2.38 Gbits/sec  | 2.49 ms        
    Uztelecom       | Tashkent, UZ (10G)        | 702 Mbits/sec   | 1.17 Gbits/sec  | 87.4 ms        
    Clouvider       | NYC, NY, US (10G)         | 647 Mbits/sec   | 479 Mbits/sec   | 76.3 ms        
    Clouvider       | Dallas, TX, US (10G)      | 289 Mbits/sec   | 130 Mbits/sec   | 118 ms         
    Clouvider       | Los Angeles, CA, US (10G) | 319 Mbits/sec   | 301 Mbits/sec   | 152 ms         
    iperf3 Network Speed Tests (IPv6):
    Provider        | Location (Link)           | Send Speed      | Recv Speed      | Ping           
    -----           | -----                     | ----            | ----            | ----           
    Clouvider       | London, UK (10G)          | 2.39 Gbits/sec  | 2.32 Gbits/sec  | 7.67 ms        
    Scaleway        | Paris, FR (10G)           | busy            | 2.33 Gbits/sec  | 10.7 ms        
    NovoServe       | North Holland, NL (40G)   | 2.49 Gbits/sec  | 2.33 Gbits/sec  | 2.00 ms        
    Uztelecom       | Tashkent, UZ (10G)        | 607 Mbits/sec   | 1.44 Gbits/sec  | 87.4 ms        
    Clouvider       | NYC, NY, US (10G)         | 261 Mbits/sec   | 402 Mbits/sec   | 76.2 ms        
    Clouvider       | Dallas, TX, US (10G)      | 401 Mbits/sec   | 319 Mbits/sec   | 117 ms         
    Clouvider       | Los Angeles, CA, US (10G) | 390 Mbits/sec   | 753 Mbits/sec   | 152 ms         
    Geekbench 5 Benchmark Test:
    Test            | Value                         
    Single Core     | 1515                          
    Multi Core      | 5694                          
    Full Test       | https://browser.geekbench.com/v5/cpu/21977380
    Geekbench 6 Benchmark Test:
    Test            | Value                         
    Single Core     | 2070                          
    Multi Core      | 6608                          
    Full Test       | https://browser.geekbench.com/v6/cpu/3682994
    YABS completed in 14 min 54 sec
    Thanked by (1)_MS_

    Our VPSes (ask for a recurring coupon code) Mailchannels low volume plans

  • If I wouldn't already have 3 services (one almost three years by now)...
    Guys, if you need something reliable: +1 to the comment from @souen

    Thanked by (2)gleert souen
  • souensouen OG
    edited November 2023

    Disk/network bench from 2yo 2 GB box, which gets regular use compiling from source. Bench skipped CPU, which is older than the current offers. This is just for a sense of how a box might settle over time.

    # ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## #
    #              Yet-Another-Bench-Script              #
    #                     v2023-09-06                    #
    # https://github.com/masonr/yet-another-bench-script #
    # ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## #
    Thu Nov 23 23:26:03 UTC 2023
    Basic System Information:
    Uptime     : 193 days, 5 hours, 43 minutes
    Processor  : AMD EPYC 7452 32-Core Processor
    CPU cores  : 1 @ 2350.000 MHz
    AES-NI     : ✔ Enabled
    VM-x/AMD-V : ✔ Enabled
    RAM        : 1.9 GiB
    Swap       : 3.9 GiB
    Disk       :
    Distro     : Alpine Linux v3.18
    Kernel     : 6.1.28-2-virt
    VM Type    :
    IPv4/IPv6  : ✔ Online / ✔ Online
    IPv6 Network Information:
    ISP        : NextGenWebs, S.L.
    ASN        : AS41608 NextGenWebs, S.L.
    Host       : NextGenWebs, S.L.
    Location   : Amsterdam, North Holland (NH)
    Country    : Netherlands
    fio Disk Speed Tests (Mixed R/W 50/50):
    Block Size | 4k            (IOPS) | 64k           (IOPS)
      ------   | ---            ----  | ----           ----
    Read       | 166.11 MB/s  (41.5k) | 1.58 GB/s    (24.7k)
    Write      | 166.55 MB/s  (41.6k) | 1.58 GB/s    (24.8k)
    Total      | 332.66 MB/s  (83.1k) | 3.17 GB/s    (49.5k)
               |                      |
    Block Size | 512k          (IOPS) | 1m            (IOPS)
      ------   | ---            ----  | ----           ----
    Read       | 4.82 GB/s     (9.4k) | 5.24 GB/s     (5.1k)
    Write      | 5.08 GB/s     (9.9k) | 5.59 GB/s     (5.4k)
    Total      | 9.91 GB/s    (19.3k) | 10.83 GB/s   (10.5k)
    iperf3 Network Speed Tests (IPv4):
    Provider        | Location (Link)           | Send Speed      | Recv Speed      | Ping
    -----           | -----                     | ----            | ----            | ----
    Clouvider       | London, UK (10G)          | busy            | busy            | 7.923 ms
    Scaleway        | Paris, FR (10G)           | busy            | busy            | 10.919 ms
    NovoServe       | North Holland, NL (40G)   | busy            | busy            | 2.450 ms
    Uztelecom       | Tashkent, UZ (10G)        | busy            | busy            | 86.962 ms
    Clouvider       | NYC, NY, US (10G)         | busy            | busy            | 76.457 ms
    Clouvider       | Dallas, TX, US (10G)      | busy            | busy            | 117.540 ms
    Clouvider       | Los Angeles, CA, US (10G) | busy            | busy            | 167.455 ms
    iperf3 Network Speed Tests (IPv6):
    Provider        | Location (Link)           | Send Speed      | Recv Speed      | Ping
    -----           | -----                     | ----            | ----            | ----
    Clouvider       | London, UK (10G)          | busy            | busy            | 8.856 ms
    Scaleway        | Paris, FR (10G)           | busy            | busy            | 34.797 ms
    NovoServe       | North Holland, NL (40G)   | busy            | busy            | 2.578 ms
    Uztelecom       | Tashkent, UZ (10G)        | busy            | busy            | 86.699 ms
    Clouvider       | NYC, NY, US (10G)         | busy            | busy            | 76.537 ms
    Clouvider       | Dallas, TX, US (10G)      | busy            | busy            | 117.275 ms
    Clouvider       | Los Angeles, CA, US (10G) | busy            | busy            | 167.507 ms
    YABS completed in 3 min 34 sec
    Thanked by (1)gleert
  • gleertgleert Hosting Provider

    Flash sale

    • 1 vCore - AMD EPYC 9554 (3.1 Ghz base)
    • 1 DG RAM (DDR 5)
    • 2.5 Gbe network
    • IPv4 + IPv6
    • NVMe RAID 10
    • KVM Virtualisation
    • Located in The Netherlands

    Coupon code: WC1W5JKNUV

    Order HERE

    Our VPSes (ask for a recurring coupon code) Mailchannels low volume plans

  • cybertechcybertech OGBenchmark King


    Thanked by (1)gleert

    I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.

  • Good Deal <3

    Thanked by (1)gleert
  • +1 to what @souen and @Bochi said. I have had a VPS witn Naranjatech for 3 years now, and I can't remember there ever being any problems.

    Thanked by (1)gleert
  • edited November 2023

    I bought one.

    Thanked by (1)gleert
  • edited November 2023
    -------------------- A Bench.sh Script By Teddysun -------------------
     Version            : v2023-10-15
     Usage              : wget -qO- bench.sh | bash
     CPU Model          : AMD EPYC 9554P 64-Core Processor
     CPU Cores          : 1 @ 3099.998 MHz
     CPU Cache          : 1024 KB
     AES-NI             : ✓ Enabled
     VM-x/AMD-V         : ✓ Enabled
     Total Disk         : 48.9 GB (1.2 GB Used)
     Total Mem          : 1.9 GB (242.5 MB Used)
     Total Swap         : 975.0 MB (0 Used)
     System uptime      : 0 days, 0 hour 12 min
     Load average       : 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
     OS                 : Debian GNU/Linux 12
     Arch               : x86_64 (64 Bit)
     Kernel             : 6.1.0-13-amd64
     TCP CC             : cubic
     Virtualization     : KVM
     IPv4/IPv6          : ✓ Online / ✗ Offline
     Organization       : AS41608 NextGenWebs, S.L.
     Location           : Paterna / ES
     Region             : Valencia
     I/O Speed(1st run) : 1.9 GB/s
     I/O Speed(2nd run) : 1.9 GB/s
     I/O Speed(3rd run) : 1.9 GB/s
     I/O Speed(average) : 1945.6 MB/s
     Node Name        Upload Speed      Download Speed      Latency     
     Speedtest.net    768.39 Mbps       2287.16 Mbps        27.52 ms    
     Los Angeles, US  201.31 Mbps       1697.47 Mbps        138.01 ms   
     Dallas, US       178.61 Mbps       1404.04 Mbps        110.77 ms   
     Montreal, CA     73.01 Mbps        865.75 Mbps         82.28 ms    
     Paris, FR        1152.81 Mbps      2377.32 Mbps        15.03 ms    
     Amsterdam, NL    2463.86 Mbps      2272.09 Mbps        3.59 ms     
     Shanghai, CN     291.91 Mbps       1261.54 Mbps        185.19 ms   
     Chongqing, CN    1.29 Mbps         0.79 Mbps           236.32 ms   
     Mumbai, IN       263.37 Mbps       2283.89 Mbps        129.21 ms   
     Singapore, SG    130.42 Mbps       1737.90 Mbps        321.56 ms   
     Tokyo, JP        249.77 Mbps       1599.90 Mbps        220.69 ms   
     Finished in        : 5 min 17 sec
     Timestamp          : 2023-11-23 23:01:18 EST
    Thanked by (1)gleert
  • Is 25 or 465 open?

  • gleertgleert Hosting Provider

    @xiaohei2019 said:
    Is 25 or 465 open?

    Yes, but if you SPAM or get blacklisted you will be shut down

    Thanked by (1)Mr_KHU

    Our VPSes (ask for a recurring coupon code) Mailchannels low volume plans

  • ok,I bought one.

    Thanked by (1)gleert
  • AuroraZeroAuroraZero ModeratorHosting ProviderRetired

    @xiaohei2019 said:
    ok,I bought one.

    Buy two they are cheap!

    Thanked by (1)gleert
  • edited November 2023

    Is VAT for all customers? I'm not in EU but still it's added.
    Edit: Nevermind. All sorted. Ordered.
    Thank you for the offer

    Thanked by (1)gleert
  • gleertgleert Hosting Provider

    Flash sale - limited quantity

    • 1 vCore - AMD EPYC 9554 (3.1 Ghz base)
    • 1 GB RAM (DDR 5)
    • 25 GB (NVMe RAID 10)
    • 2.5 Gbe network
    • IPv4 + IPv6
    • KVM Virtualisation
    • Located in The Netherlands


    Coupon code: WC1W5JKNUV

    Order HERE

    Our VPSes (ask for a recurring coupon code) Mailchannels low volume plans

  • managed to burn through 199 GB of bandwidth running yabs and network-speed. =)

    # ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## #
    #              Yet-Another-Bench-Script              #
    #                     v2023-11-24                    #
    # https://github.com/masonr/yet-another-bench-script #
    # ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## #
    Fri Nov 24 09:56:15 PM UTC 2023
    Basic System Information:
    Uptime     : 0 days, 2 hours, 39 minutes
    Processor  : AMD EPYC 9554P 64-Core Processor
    CPU cores  : 8 @ 3099.998 MHz
    AES-NI     : ✔ Enabled
    VM-x/AMD-V : ✔ Enabled
    RAM        : 15.6 GiB
    Swap       : 0.0 KiB
    Disk       : 393.6 GiB
    Distro     : Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS
    Kernel     : 5.15.0-46-generic
    VM Type    : KVM
    IPv4/IPv6  : ✔ Online / ✔ Online
    IPv6 Network Information:
    ISP        : NextGenWebs, S.L.
    ASN        : AS41608 NextGenWebs, S.L.
    Host       : NextGenWebs, S.L.
    Location   : Amsterdam, North Holland (NH)
    Country    : Netherlands
    fio Disk Speed Tests (Mixed R/W 50/50):
    Block Size | 4k            (IOPS) | 64k           (IOPS)
      ------   | ---            ----  | ----           ----
    Read       | 353.90 MB/s  (88.4k) | 4.33 GB/s    (67.8k)
    Write      | 354.83 MB/s  (88.7k) | 4.36 GB/s    (68.1k)
    Total      | 708.73 MB/s (177.1k) | 8.70 GB/s   (135.9k)
               |                      |
    Block Size | 512k          (IOPS) | 1m            (IOPS)
      ------   | ---            ----  | ----           ----
    Read       | 10.58 GB/s   (20.6k) | 11.03 GB/s   (10.7k)
    Write      | 11.14 GB/s   (21.7k) | 11.76 GB/s   (11.4k)
    Total      | 21.73 GB/s   (42.4k) | 22.79 GB/s   (22.2k)
    iperf3 Network Speed Tests (IPv4):
    Provider        | Location (Link)           | Send Speed      | Recv Speed      | Ping
    -----           | -----                     | ----            | ----            | ----
    Clouvider       | London, UK (10G)          | 2.48 Gbits/sec  | 799 Mbits/sec   | 7.71 ms
    Scaleway        | Paris, FR (10G)           | busy            | 1.18 Gbits/sec  | 11.3 ms
    NovoServe       | North Holland, NL (40G)   | 2.50 Gbits/sec  | 1.28 Gbits/sec  | 2.12 ms
    Uztelecom       | Tashkent, UZ (10G)        | 1.57 Gbits/sec  | 255 Mbits/sec   | 91.6 ms
    Clouvider       | NYC, NY, US (10G)         | 1.96 Gbits/sec  | 158 Mbits/sec   | 83.6 ms
    Clouvider       | Dallas, TX, US (10G)      | 585 Mbits/sec   | 122 Mbits/sec   | 124 ms
    Clouvider       | Los Angeles, CA, US (10G) | 1.08 Gbits/sec  | 150 Mbits/sec   | 168 ms
    iperf3 Network Speed Tests (IPv6):
    Provider        | Location (Link)           | Send Speed      | Recv Speed      | Ping
    -----           | -----                     | ----            | ----            | ----
    Clouvider       | London, UK (10G)          | 2.46 Gbits/sec  | 898 Mbits/sec   | 7.68 ms
    Scaleway        | Paris, FR (10G)           | busy            | 1.01 Gbits/sec  | 12.0 ms
    NovoServe       | North Holland, NL (40G)   | 2.49 Gbits/sec  | 1.67 Gbits/sec  | 2.10 ms
    Uztelecom       | Tashkent, UZ (10G)        | 1.63 Gbits/sec  | 606 Mbits/sec   | 85.7 ms
    Clouvider       | NYC, NY, US (10G)         | 1.98 Gbits/sec  | 462 Mbits/sec   | 83.5 ms
    Clouvider       | Dallas, TX, US (10G)      | 1.41 Gbits/sec  | 36.0 Mbits/sec  | 117 ms
    Clouvider       | Los Angeles, CA, US (10G) | busy            | 517 Mbits/sec   | 168 ms
    Geekbench 6 Benchmark Test:
    Test            | Value
    Single Core     | 2006
    Multi Core      | 10506
    ---------------------------- network-speed.xyz ----------------------------
          A simple script to test network performance using speedtest-cli      
     Version            : v2023.11.13
     Global Speedtest   : wget -qO- network-speed.xyz | bash
     Region Speedtest   : wget -qO- network-speed.xyz | bash -s -- -r <region>
     Basic System Info
     CPU Model          : AMD EPYC 9554P 64-Core Processor
     CPU Cores          : 8 @ 3099.998 MHz
     CPU Cache          : 1024 KB
     AES-NI             : ✔ Enabled
     VM-x/AMD-V         : ✔ Enabled
     Total Disk         : 393.6 GB (3.8 GB Used)
     Total RAM          : 15.6 GB (209.6 MB Used)
     System uptime      : 0 days, 3 hour 1 min
     Load average       : 0.00, 0.09, 0.14
     OS                 : Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS
     Arch               : x86_64 (64 Bit)
     Kernel             : 5.15.0-46-generic
     Virtualization     : KVM
     Basic Network Info
     Primary Network    : IPv6
     IPv6 Access        : ✔ Online
     IPv4 Access        : ✔ Online
     ISP                : NextGenWebs, S.L.
     ASN                : AS41608 NextGenWebs, S.L.
     Host               : NextGenWebs, S.L.
     Location           : Amsterdam, North Holland-NH, Netherlands
     Location (IPv4)    : Paterna, Valencia, ES
     Speedtest.net (Region: GLOBAL)
     Location         Latency     Loss    DL Speed       UP Speed       Server      
     ISP: NextGenWebs, S.L. 
     Nearest          25.53 ms    0.0%    1751.83 Mbps   1906.41 Mbps   i3D.net - Madrid 
     Kochi, IN        162.90 ms   0.0%    867.65 Mbps    500.24 Mbps    Asianet Broadband - Cochin 
     Bangalore, IN    151.24 ms   0.0%    1771.21 Mbps   538.47 Mbps    Bharti Airtel Ltd - Bangalore 
     Chennai, IN      209.16 ms   N/A     1037.51 Mbps   382.16 Mbps    Jio - Chennai 
     Mumbai, IN       122.74 ms   0.0%    1525.30 Mbps   675.72 Mbps    i3D.net - Mumbai 
     Delhi, IN        143.04 ms   0.0%    535.65 Mbps    568.75 Mbps    Tata Teleservices Ltd - New Delhi 
     Seattle, US      142.70 ms   N/A     1417.47 Mbps   563.51 Mbps    Comcast - Seattle, WA 
     Los Angeles, US  136.89 ms   0.0%    626.07 Mbps    566.36 Mbps    ReliableSite Hosting - Los Angeles, CA 
     Dallas, US       111.59 ms   0.0%    1151.02 Mbps   741.70 Mbps    Hivelocity - Dallas, TX 
     Miami, US        114.02 ms   0.0%    697.83 Mbps    708.68 Mbps    AT&T - Miami, FL 
     New York, US     73.45 ms    0.0%    2083.10 Mbps   1032.92 Mbps   GSL Networks - New York, NY 
     Toronto, CA      87.75 ms    0.0%    660.41 Mbps    917.04 Mbps    Rogers - Toronto, ON 
     London, UK       6.53 ms     0.0%    2235.01 Mbps   2400.36 Mbps   VeloxServ Communications - London 
     Amsterdam, NL    1.88 ms     0.0%    2314.24 Mbps   2493.67 Mbps   31173 Services AB - Amsterdam 
     Paris, FR        16.92 ms    N/A     1410.10 Mbps   2399.69 Mbps   Axione - Paris 
     Frankfurt, DE    7.71 ms     0.0%    2177.07 Mbps   2487.27 Mbps   23M GmbH - Frankfurt am Main 
     Warsaw, PL       23.24 ms    0.0%    1773.12 Mbps   1901.90 Mbps   PLAY - Warszawa 
     Bucharest, RO    35.77 ms    0.0%    1609.88 Mbps   2025.96 Mbps   Vodafone Romania Fixed – Bucharest - Bucharest 
     Jeddah, SA       82.20 ms    0.0%    1175.53 Mbps   905.52 Mbps    Saudi Telecom Company 
     Dubai, AE        125.84 ms   0.0%    2046.04 Mbps   635.79 Mbps    du - Dubai  
     Fujairah, AE     125.18 ms   1.0%    1452.47 Mbps   683.71 Mbps    ETISALAT-UAE - Fujairah 
     Tokyo, JP        233.52 ms   N/A     1209.51 Mbps   352.75 Mbps    fdcservers.net - Tokyo 
     Shanghai, CU-CN  178.11 ms   0.0%    912.54 Mbps    477.61 Mbps    China Unicom 5G - Shanghai 
     Nanjing, CT-CN   246.17 ms   0.7%    130.74 Mbps    22.22 Mbps     China Telecom JiangSu 5G - Nanjing 
     Hong Kong, CN    173.83 ms   N/A     1910.60 Mbps   449.17 Mbps    STC - Hong Kong 
     Singapore, SG    156.80 ms   0.0%    523.62 Mbps    522.31 Mbps    i3D.net - Singapore 
     Jakarta, ID      185.89 ms   0.0%    1252.19 Mbps   434.08 Mbps    PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia - Jakarta 
     Avg DL Speed       : 1342.87 Mbps
     Avg UL Speed       : 1010.89 Mbps
     Total DL Data      : 46.84 GB
     Total UL Data      : 32.56 GB
     Total Data         : 79.40 GB
     Duration           : 12 min 54 sec
     System Time        : 24/11/2023 - 22:31:45 UTC
     Total Script Runs  : 28109
    Thanked by (2)gleert nick_
  • edited November 2023

    Been using @gleert services from last three years. No downtime.

    Thanked by (1)gleert
  • Heh, gleert :) remember you from time4vps times. Look at you, all grown up. Do you own hardware?

    Thanked by (1)gleert
  • cybertechcybertech OGBenchmark King


    Thanked by (1)gleert

    I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.

  • gleertgleert Hosting Provider

    @legendary said:
    Heh, gleert :) remember you from time4vps times. Look at you, all grown up. Do you own hardware?

    Yea, all own hardware!

    Our VPSes (ask for a recurring coupon code) Mailchannels low volume plans

  • gleertgleert Hosting Provider

    Flash sale - only 10 available

    • 8 vCore - AMD EPYC 9554 (3.1 Ghz base)
    • 16 GB RAM (DDR 5)
    • 400 GB (NVMe RAID 10)
    • 2.5 Gbe network
    • IPv4 + IPv6
    • KVM Virtualisation
    • Located in The Netherlands


    Coupon code: DX4BND70C7

    Order HERE

    Our VPSes (ask for a recurring coupon code) Mailchannels low volume plans

  • gleertgleert Hosting Provider

    Flash sale - only 10 available

    • 4 vCore - AMD EPYC 9554 (3.1 Ghz base)
    • 8 GB RAM (DDR 5)
    • 200 GB (NVMe RAID 10)
    • 2.5 Gbe network
    • IPv4 + IPv6
    • KVM Virtualisation
    • Located in The Netherlands


    Coupon code: Z2P9EBSW0W

    Order HERE

    Our VPSes (ask for a recurring coupon code) Mailchannels low volume plans

  • @gleert can you accept LTC instead of BTC?

  • gleertgleert Hosting Provider

    @govac said:
    @gleert can you accept LTC instead of BTC?

    Sorry, we don't accept that

    Thanked by (1)govac

    Our VPSes (ask for a recurring coupon code) Mailchannels low volume plans

  • gleertgleert Hosting Provider

    ** FLASH SALE - Limited units ** Blazingly fast AMD Epyc 9554 (Genoa - Zen 4)

    Check out our NL super fast pure NVMe VMs

    All orders include:

    • AMD EPYC 9554 (3.1 Ghz base)
    • 2.5 Gbe network
    • IPv4 + IPv6
    • NVMe RAID 10
    • KVM Virtualisation
    • Located in The Netherlands


    • Already ordered a VPS for full price, you can upgrade to a higher plan with discount, please open a ticke (don't order a new one)
    • No refund available if ordered at higher price

    Coupon code: XDJ9G17BH4

    1 vCore - 2GB Ram - 50GB NVMe Disk - 5TB BW - 16 €/year (+vat if applicable) - Order Now

    2 vCores - 4GB Ram - 100GB NVMe Disk - 10TB BW - 32 €/year (+vat if applicable) - Order Now

    3 vCores - 6GB Ram - 150GB NVMe Disk - 15TB BW - 48 €/year (+vat if applicable) - Order Now

    4 vCores - 8GB Ram - 200GB NVMe Disk - 20TB BW - 64 €/year (+vat if applicable) - Order Now

    8 vCores - 16GB Ram - 400GB NVMe Disk - 40TB BW - 128 €/year (+vat if applicable) - Order Now

    Our VPSes (ask for a recurring coupon code) Mailchannels low volume plans

  • It's getting cheaper and cheaper.. Do you have too much stock left?

  • lol, looks like i ordered too early. next time i need to wait until bf is over.
    anyway, burned some more bandwidth with network-speed.xyz

    ---------------------------- network-speed.xyz ----------------------------
          A simple script to test network performance using speedtest-cli      
     Version            : v2023.11.13
     Global Speedtest   : wget -qO- network-speed.xyz | bash
     Region Speedtest   : wget -qO- network-speed.xyz | bash -s -- -r <region>
     Basic System Info
     CPU Model          : AMD EPYC 9554P 64-Core Processor
     CPU Cores          : 8 @ 3099.998 MHz
     CPU Cache          : 1024 KB
     AES-NI             : ✔ Enabled
     VM-x/AMD-V         : ✔ Enabled
     Total Disk         : 393.6 GB (3.8 GB Used)
     Total RAM          : 15.6 GB (211.1 MB Used)
     System uptime      : 0 days, 23 hour 3 min
     Load average       : 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
     OS                 : Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS
     Arch               : x86_64 (64 Bit)
     Kernel             : 5.15.0-46-generic
     Virtualization     : KVM
     Basic Network Info
     Primary Network    : IPv4
     IPv6 Access        : ✔ Online
     IPv4 Access        : ✔ Online
     ISP                : NextGenWebs, S.L.
     ASN                : AS41608 NextGenWebs, S.L.
     Host               : NextGenWebs, S.L.
     Location           : Amsterdam, North Holland-NH, Netherlands
     Location (IPv4)    : Paterna, Valencia, ES
     Speedtest.net (Region: EUROPE)
     Location         Latency     Loss    DL Speed       UP Speed       Server      
     ISP: NextGenWebs, S.L. 
     Nearest          25.61 ms    0.0%    1068.04 Mbps   1764.69 Mbps   i3D.net - Madrid 
     London, UK       9.47 ms     0.0%    1648.70 Mbps   2480.33 Mbps   M247 Ltd - London 
     Manchester, UK   14.17 ms    N/A     828.40 Mbps    2371.46 Mbps   Vodafone UK - Manchester 
     Dublin, IE       14.90 ms    0.0%    2066.79 Mbps   1685.10 Mbps   Three Ireland - Dublin 
     Amsterdam, NL    1.94 ms     0.0%    2178.65 Mbps   2445.35 Mbps   Melbicom - Amsterdam 
     Eygelshoen, NL   4.97 ms     0.0%    1521.98 Mbps   2477.68 Mbps   SkyLink Data Center BV - Eygelshoven 
     Paris, FR        13.56 ms    0.0%    1803.82 Mbps   2293.24 Mbps   ORANGE - Paris 
     Marseille, FR    25.95 ms    0.0%    1764.06 Mbps   2147.21 Mbps   GSL Networks - Marseille 
     Madrid, ES       34.73 ms    0.0%    1029.88 Mbps   1838.81 Mbps   Orange - Jazztel - Madrid 
     Barcelona, ES    30.56 ms    0.0%    656.45 Mbps    1768.82 Mbps   Adamo - Barcelona 
     Lisbon, PT       37.83 ms    0.0%    760.65 Mbps    1330.63 Mbps   Edgoo Networks - Lisbon 
     Rome, IT         31.38 ms    0.0%    1790.62 Mbps   1893.65 Mbps   TIM SpA - Rome 
     Milan, IT        16.67 ms    0.0%    1011.30 Mbps   2232.64 Mbps   Fastweb SpA - Milan 
     Zurich, CH       12.94 ms    0.0%    1701.88 Mbps   2412.24 Mbps   Sunrise Communication AG - Zurich 
     Frankfurt, DE    7.64 ms     0.0%    1950.60 Mbps   2383.86 Mbps   23M GmbH - Frankfurt am Main 
     Berlin, DE       10.82 ms    N/A     1780.62 Mbps   1203.49 Mbps   Misaka Network, Inc. - Berlin 
     Vienna, AT       20.62 ms    0.3%    1293.99 Mbps   2031.23 Mbps   A1 Telekom Austria AG - Vienna 
     Budapest, HU     21.03 ms    0.0%    1300.64 Mbps   2104.33 Mbps   ATW Internet Kft. - Budapest 
     Gdansk, PL       FAILED                                                        
     Warsaw, PL       26.75 ms    0.0%    424.08 Mbps    1856.38 Mbps   Orange Polska S.A. - Warsaw 
     Lviv, UA         37.73 ms    0.0%    1042.24 Mbps   1844.96 Mbps   Kyivstar - Lviv 
     Kyiv, UA         36.44 ms    0.7%    525.34 Mbps    1909.31 Mbps   o3 - Kyiv   
     Minsk, BY        34.14 ms    0.0%    1747.00 Mbps   1771.41 Mbps   A1 - Minsk  
     Bucharest, RO    34.30 ms    0.0%    1375.46 Mbps   1818.05 Mbps   Orange Romania Communications - Bucharest 
     Iasi, RO         49.48 ms    0.0%    427.70 Mbps    1592.24 Mbps   Digi        
     Helsinki, FI     24.34 ms    0.0%    934.94 Mbps    1845.24 Mbps   Elisa Oyj - Helsinki 
     Stockholm, SE    23.83 ms    0.0%    1794.71 Mbps   1987.22 Mbps   i3D.net - Stockholm 
     Oslo, NO         21.81 ms    0.0%    681.53 Mbps    1975.50 Mbps   Speedtest.net - Oslo 
     Moscow, RU       64.66 ms    0.0%    862.97 Mbps    1530.06 Mbps   Rostelecom - Moscow 
     Petersburg, RU   29.71 ms    0.0%    1061.72 Mbps   1712.79 Mbps   MTS OJSC - Saint Petersburg 
     Istanbul, TR     51.17 ms    0.0%    850.74 Mbps    1681.15 Mbps   Turkcell - Istanbul 
     Tbilisi, GE      71.64 ms    N/A     949.21 Mbps    1164.12 Mbps   Silknet JSC - Tbilisi 
     Avg DL Speed       : 1252.73 Mbps
     Avg UL Speed       : 1921.07 Mbps
     Total DL Data      : 53.05 GB
     Total UL Data      : 68.80 GB
     Total Data         : 121.85 GB
    Thanked by (1)gleert
  • @gleert Any mailchannels offerings this time?

    Thanked by (1)gleert
  • @K4Y5 said: @gleert Any mailchannels offerings this time?

    Those sold out? [Can't check, no idea where the code goes, lol]

    Thanked by (1)gleert

    Haven't bought a single service in VirMach Great Ryzen 2022 - 2023 Flash Sale.

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