VirMach - Complain - Moan - Praise - Chit Chat



  • FrankZFrankZ ModeratorOG

    @VirMach I noticed what appears to be an inconsistency on your web site for Premium Ryzen VPS, on this page,
    I have marked the inconsistency on this screenshot.
    I expect it is not a high priority right now, but I figured you might want to know about it.

    For staff assistance or support issues please use the helpdesk ticket system at

  • FrankZFrankZ ModeratorOG

    @titus see my comment here. If it applies to you, VirMach is aware, see his comment here.

    Thanked by (1)titus

    For staff assistance or support issues please use the helpdesk ticket system at

  • @FrankZ said: @titus see my comment here. If it applies to you, VirMach is aware, see his comment here.

    Thank You very much, @FrankZ !
    Yes, this VPS location was previously - if i'm not wrong - in Dallas (node name: RYZE.DAL-Z003.VMS)
    Yes, the VNC provide the "Authentication failed" error message. :/
    Yes, the "Operating System" filed in the SolusVM panel is empty (but I have some VPS from different locations where this field is empty more than a year ago, and my VPS is working fine :$)
    The currently node name is: "NYCB021" (on SolusVM)

    Thanked by (1)FrankZ
  • HivelocityHivelocity Hosting Provider

    @fluttershy said:

    @Jab said:
    Would this explain a few things? :D

    Hivelocity | VPS Launching in Fall 2023

    They've had VPS for years now, they're just being deceptive about their marketing.

    We currently do not offer or have any VPS solution outside our beta program. Our VPS offerings will be out of beta sometime in early October. We did acquire a VPS brand a few years ago as part of an acquisition. However, that solution was not easily integrated into Hivelocity's backend so we sold it off. The VPS solution we are introducing in a few weeks will be fully integrated and our customers will be able to deploy both VPS and bare metal from a single interface while also being able to create VLANS connecting both via our private network.

  • @Hivelocity said:

    @fluttershy said:

    @Jab said:
    Would this explain a few things? :D

    Hivelocity | VPS Launching in Fall 2023

    They've had VPS for years now, they're just being deceptive about their marketing.

    We currently do not offer or have any VPS solution outside our beta program. Our VPS offerings will be out of beta sometime in early October. We did acquire a VPS brand a few years ago as part of an acquisition. However, that solution was not easily integrated into Hivelocity's backend so we sold it off. The VPS solution we are introducing in a few weeks will be fully integrated and our customers will be able to deploy both VPS and bare metal from a single interface while also being able to create VLANS connecting both via our private network.

    Yeah I was thinking about SpeedyKVM, it never felt well integrated into the rest of the brand. I'm glad to see that the new solution is more tightly integrated, opens up possibilities for (somewhat) autoscaling clusters with metal and VPS. Excited to see what ends up being possible!

    Thanked by (2)Not_Oles skorous
    edited September 2023

    Is anyone on DALZ004? My Virmach Dallas VPS went offline at 16:17 UTC on the 11th. Virmach control panel gives me "Operation Timed Out After 90000 Milliseconds With 0 Bytes Received", so I'm assuming the host node is down.

    But here's the strange bit--I'm seeing tons more DNS traffic than usual at my DNS server VPS (which isn't at Virmach). When I dig in and look at the DNS logs, I'm seeing lots of cloudflare requests for domains such as,,, and (I've replaced my hostname with for these examples.) Most are for A or AAAA records.

    What scares me is that my Virmach Dallas VPS has an hourly borgbackup script that uses rclone to push the borg repo to offsite cloud storage, and those the cloudflare hostname lookups correspond with the cloud storage services, with my hostname appended to the end of the query (so they're all NXDOMAIN).

    It looks like the massive DNS flood began with at 2023-09-11 17:01:38 UTC.

    WTF? Surely someone didn't guess

    I'm worried that something has been hacked, but I'm not sure what.

    Thoughts, comments, suggestions, please!

    Edit: is it possible my Virmach VPS is running and I just don't have access yet? I can't recall what DNS resolvers it was set to use, but maybe it's appending my hostname to failing queries and that's what's causing all the DNS traffic?

    Edit again: I've pulled the last borg backup and checked my /etc/resolv.conf:
    #Generated by SolusVM nameserver nameserver nameserver

    But if my VPS is running, perhaps with no network access, why am I seeing all the DNS queries? Maybe it's running and the host firewall allows the VPS to send, but not receive?

  • VirMachVirMach Hosting Provider

    San Jose confirmed an issue on their end, which was fixed. I'll have more news soon, it might require that I fly in again or we use remote hands since I spent a lot of time trying to get networking up which didn't leave enough time for verifying all the other connections or setting up IPMI.

    It should have worked when it went up, but didn't so it might mean the ports were flipped, I never got to have the facility check how they were previously plugged in.

    Phoenix, looks like announcement issue so far, and IPMI issue as well. Already notified them.

  • FrankZFrankZ ModeratorOG
    edited September 2023

    @JBB said: Is anyone on DALZ004?

    You Dallas VPS is probably in NYC now. After you get the timeout in the billing panel, go to the left menu and click "management". This should open a larger left side menu. Click "Full VPS control panel" this should take you to the solusVM panel where you can see what node you are on, and confirm, or not, that your VM has been migrated to NYC and what your new IP is, if it has been moved.

    Your DNS issue may have various reasons, but I expect it may be related to being assigned a new IP and your firewall not being setup for the new IP, or that your resolv.conf was reset when the networking was fixed for the new IP, but that is just a wild guess.

    Thanked by (2)JBB Wonder_Woman

    For staff assistance or support issues please use the helpdesk ticket system at

  • VirMachVirMach Hosting Provider

    **Regarding Dallas in general* - a small sort-of update, not specifically for anyone facing issues, just general thoughts on that location overall.

    I've reached out to a lot of Dallas datacenter, one thing seems to be the general consensus: setup fees are high, and nothing's ready with anyone until at least the end of the month. Dallas was historically a good location for cheap power, that doesn't really seem to be the case anymore either. Otherwise most people that were in Dallas just were there because they kind of got "forced" into it with a good special. There are people that actually wanted that location because they were nearby, but they were a small percentage of customers there, otherwise it was a relatively unpopular location.

    I've also reached out to providers in Oklahoma City.

    I've compared the realistic option in OKC and compared it with DAL, and here's what I discovered, in terms of latency.

    OKC in this comparison is single-homed with Hurricane Electric, we'll probably proceed with HE + Lumen mix. OKC is also cheap enough to where we could likely do the two carriers, but even with single-home HE, it's not that terrible (which is surprising.) I made this list relatively quickly so it could be wrong for a few locations.

    OKC is faster to:

    • Montreal
    • Vancouver
    • Fremont
    • Chicago
    • Spain
    • UK
    • Paris
    • NL
    • Norway
    • Turkey
    • UAE
    • India
    • Australia

    Slower to:

    • LAX
    • SF
    • Denver
    • NYC
    • Egypt
    • Tokyo
    • Israel
    • Singapore

    I think the added latency to some of the locations above could be fixed once we add in Lumen. For China, it mostly looks like RNG. One might be faster to a certain datacenter there, with higher packet loss, other might be slower with lower loss, and so on, but generally speaking OKC is better to a few places, and worse for most of them but it's all over the place so I didn't include it above.

    The big bonus with OKC is that I technically live there, and I could be there for setup and everything else on short notice versus Dallas. I also have many trusted people in OKC that could help out. It could be a good location shift away from Dallas to make things more interesting, and since we're an OKC company it could just generally be cool to finally have colocation there.

    Let me know what you guys think. I wish there were better carriers, but it really does seem like our two best options are HE and Lumen (CenturyLink.) There's some local providers that would make the connection better maybe in the vicinity but they're very limited in reach. There's also Cogent, but I refuse to go with Cogent.

  • @VirMach, good idea, like OKC. If My Dallas vm can move to OKC, I will wait a month.

  • @FrankZ said:

    @JBB said: Is anyone on DALZ004?

    You Dallas VPS is probably in NYC now. After you get the timeout in the billing panel, go to the left menu and click "management".

    Thanks for the pointer, this is very helpful. Turns out it still shows me on RYZE.DAL-Z004.VMS with my old IP. VNC wouldn't connect. Can't power it off, either.

  • VirMachVirMach Hosting Provider

    @JBB said:

    @FrankZ said:

    @JBB said: Is anyone on DALZ004?

    You Dallas VPS is probably in NYC now. After you get the timeout in the billing panel, go to the left menu and click "management".

    Thanks for the pointer, this is very helpful. Turns out it still shows me on RYZE.DAL-Z004.VMS with my old IP. VNC wouldn't connect. Can't power it off, either.

    DALZ004 ran into issues. We might have to get people up for that and maybe DALZ007 as new services without backup for now.

    Thanked by (3)FrankZ JBB AlwaysSkint
  • Just don't move the Dallas servers to NYC.

    So OKC is a good choice

    Thanked by (1)yoursunny

    Have the honor of being the crybaby who pays $20 for a 128MB VPS at VirMach in 2023.

  • @tenpera said:
    @VirMach, good idea, like OKC. If My Dallas vm can move to OKC, I will wait a month.

    I can't wait one month with two Dallas VPS offline ( have some system working there ) ... I hope I could power on NY and migrate in future

  • Not_OlesNot_Oles Hosting ProviderContent Writer

    @VirMach OKC. I know you said no more dedicated servers. I know it's too crazy to imagine me sticking a server in together with your OKC servers. I dunno. I want a US server sometime before too long. Any ideas for me? It's okay not to answer if you are busy or don't want to for any reason. I am impressed by how many guys really, really like and trust you. So that's why I wanted to ask. Good luck! Better days ahead soon!

    I hope everyone gets the servers they want!

  • @VirMach said:

    @JBB said:

    @FrankZ said:

    @JBB said: Is anyone on DALZ004?

    You Dallas VPS is probably in NYC now. After you get the timeout in the billing panel, go to the left menu and click "management".

    Thanks for the pointer, this is very helpful. Turns out it still shows me on RYZE.DAL-Z004.VMS with my old IP. VNC wouldn't connect. Can't power it off, either.

    DALZ004 ran into issues. We might have to get people up for that and maybe DALZ007 as new services without backup for now.

    The VPS being down isn't costing me $millions/hour, so please don't take me comments as complaints. My main concern now is slowing this DNS storm. It is a very interesting situation, as though the VPS can send traffic but not receive any.

    I'd rather it move to OKC than NYC. OKC vs. Dallas is a close one; I'm not sure it matters to me.

  • BTW, here's a graph showing the fun:

    Thanked by (1)FrankZ
  • VirMachVirMach Hosting Provider

    @Not_Oles said:
    @VirMach OKC. I know you said no more dedicated servers. I know it's too crazy to imagine me sticking a server in together with your OKC servers. I dunno. I want a US server sometime before too long. Any ideas for me? It's okay not to answer if you are busy or don't want to for any reason. I am impressed by how many guys really, really like and trust you. So that's why I wanted to ask. Good luck! Better days ahead soon!

    I'm actually leaning toward going with a lot of space in OKC and specifically using that location to focus on our dedicated servers product as it would make the most sense.

    Power is cheap there, and the more data we can get with many carriers the better. It ends up making way more sense than paying high setup fee and monthly fee for a cabinet as they have a ton of space there, just nothing already set up. So if we get a lot of power, space, and then just have it to set up cabinets and fill them out as we go and have a bunch of transit ready to go as we spin up new ones. So yeah, offering dedicated servers and even colocation is very realistic for that location.

    For colocation we could offer, it would end up being in the ballpark of 1.6kW / 10U / 500Mbps 95th for $300 a month right now. That'd be with no setup fee and free initial scheduled setup and trying to be conservative, realistically it could be lower but with some setup fees. This is all in the early stages though so I don't know if we could get anything going for you any time this month.

    Properly planned out date for launch would be some time November, if everything goes well with everything else it could maybe be near end of October but I highly doubt that.

    Additional possibly good news for everyone else, based on the power quote I got we could end up being able to just put up all the old equipment we have gathering dust, that's E5's and E3's and just do some type of launch promotion for those at a good price, special only to kind of make amends for anyone who had dedicated servers with us over the last couple years and what they had to go through. Basically at-cost. The very early stages of this idea was to just buy out and do our own facility, I got power quotes from the power companies directly and quotes to run fiber but this was several years ago and it seems like a good company has already popped up and done all that for that area. Long ago, even before the las time I explored this seriously, it was pretty difficult getting anything done for any company in that area. Think like 2015. We got some insane quote from the only provider in that area, but more have popped up now. Yay, competition.

  • cybertechcybertech OGBenchmark King

    rooting for san joseeeeeeeeeee

    I bench YABS 24/7/365 unless it's a leap year.

  • FrankZFrankZ ModeratorOG
    edited September 2023

    @VirMach said: The big bonus with OKC is that I technically live there, and I could be there for setup and everything else on short notice versus Dallas. I also have many trusted people in OKC that could help out. It could be a good location shift away from Dallas to make things more interesting, and since we're an OKC company it could just generally be cool to finally have colocation there.

    This sounds like it would be a big plus for you. Truth be told I was picking up some weird routing with DediPath Dallas that was making other providers in Dallas 20 to 30 ms faster then my VMs with you in Dallas.
    I'm good with OKC as I expect we might be able to get IPv6 there, right ? :trollface:

    Thanked by (2)skorous ZA_capetown

    For staff assistance or support issues please use the helpdesk ticket system at

  • Not_OlesNot_Oles Hosting ProviderContent Writer

    @VirMach Thanks for your reply! OKC all sounds very interesting and good! For me, it's no rush, a few months doesn't matter. I will continue to watch your thread. You should feel free to PM me if you wish. Or to use the email on my profile. Thanks again! :)

    I hope everyone gets the servers they want!

  • VirMachVirMach Hosting Provider
    edited September 2023

    @cybertech said:
    rooting for san joseeeeeeeeeee

    San Jose is looking better than it did a few hours ago. It's possible nothing further needs to do be done and we're just waiting for announcement to propagate since it came on later than anticipated.

    Could end up being online early as tonight or tomorrow morning. If it does require more to be done though then it's looking more like after tomorrow afternoon.

    Showing signs of life:

    Thanked by (2)FrankZ Wonder_Woman
  • VirMachVirMach Hosting Provider

    @FrankZ said: This sounds like it would be a big plus for you. Truth be told I was picking up some weird routing with DediPath Dallas that was making other providers in Dallas 20 to 30 ms faster then my VMs with you in Dallas.
    I'm good with OKC as I expect we might be able to get IPv6 there, right ?

    OKC we'd want to do as properly as possible. Yes that even means IPv6, our own ASN, and likely it'd go under a different brand with a different control panel and maybe even different server types (Epyc?) from the start for VPS. Of course it's possible VirMach could end up sub-leasing some space from this brand so I wouldn't know about what VirMach's going to do for their VPS offerings. :trollface:

    Routing I compared was DataPacket Dallas (CDN77) with OKC single-homed Hurricane Electric.

    Thanked by (2)FrankZ ZA_capetown
  • @VirMach said:

    @FrankZ said: This sounds like it would be a big plus for you. Truth be told I was picking up some weird routing with DediPath Dallas that was making other providers in Dallas 20 to 30 ms faster then my VMs with you in Dallas.
    I'm good with OKC as I expect we might be able to get IPv6 there, right ?

    OKC we'd want to do as properly as possible. Yes that even means IPv6, our own ASN, and likely it'd go under a different brand with a different control panel and maybe even different server types (Epyc?) from the start for VPS. Of course it's possible VirMach could end up sub-leasing some space from this brand so I wouldn't know about what VirMach's going to do for their VPS offerings. :trollface:

    Routing I compared was DataPacket Dallas (CDN77) with OKC single-homed Hurricane Electric.

    Highly recommend VirtFusion for control panel. It is prem.

    Thanked by (2)yoursunny Wonder_Woman
  • @VirMach my seattle vps is down for a few weeks now it is shown as node locked I cant seem to get more details , I am not losing millions but any idea when this will be back? PS. I have zero tickets open for this as I dont want to bother you just wanted to ask casually if entire SEA is down or is it just me this was down before dedipath thing happened

    Want free vps ?

  • VirMachVirMach Hosting Provider

    @codelock said:
    @VirMach my seattle vps is down for a few weeks now it is shown as node locked I cant seem to get more details , I am not losing millions but any idea when this will be back? PS. I have zero tickets open for this as I dont want to bother you just wanted to ask casually if entire SEA is down or is it just me this was down before dedipath thing happened

    Check network status page for the most important details right now.

    Thanked by (1)codelock
  • VirMachVirMach Hosting Provider

    @FrankZ said:
    @VirMach I noticed what appears to be an inconsistency on your web site for Premium Ryzen VPS, on this page,
    I have marked the inconsistency on this screenshot.
    I expect it is not a high priority right now, but I figured you might want to know about it.

    We should fix it by making it give you less disk unless you scroll down.

  • @VirMach said: Let me know what you guys think.

    If Dallas stuff was permanently moved to anywhere other than Dallas, I would not renew those ones.

  • FrankZFrankZ ModeratorOG

    @VirMach said:

    @FrankZ said:
    @VirMach I noticed what appears to be an inconsistency on your web site for Premium Ryzen VPS, on this page,
    I have marked the inconsistency on this screenshot.
    I expect it is not a high priority right now, but I figured you might want to know about it.

    We should fix it by making it give you less disk unless you scroll down.

    LOL. You seem to be in good humor tonight. Or is that just me misinterpreting your lack of sleep, and excess caffeine intake ?

    For staff assistance or support issues please use the helpdesk ticket system at

  • @VirMach said:

    @JBB said:

    @FrankZ said:

    @JBB said: Is anyone on DALZ004?

    You Dallas VPS is probably in NYC now. After you get the timeout in the billing panel, go to the left menu and click "management".

    Thanks for the pointer, this is very helpful. Turns out it still shows me on RYZE.DAL-Z004.VMS with my old IP. VNC wouldn't connect. Can't power it off, either.

    DALZ004 ran into issues. We might have to get people up for that and maybe DALZ007 as new services without backup for now.

    I'm on DALZ004 and have my own backups. I'd love the option to be moved to NYC as a new service, if possible.

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