Darkstar Sold!
I am delighted to announce that our gorgeous Darkstar, the world's best Low End server, has been sold and transferred to one of her users.
Happily, Darkstar will continue to run Slackware64-current. Also, in a perfect example of the kindness and generosity which always has characterized Darkstar's users, her buyer suggested without being asked that I leave my user account and root privileges in place for free. As a courtesy, a few less active user accounts were backed up and then removed incident to the transfer.
I doubt that I will visit Darkstar often, but I know for sure that I will visit her from time to time. I will log in whenever I want to remember the greatest of good times that I always enjoyed within Darkstar's community. I send karmic thanks to Darkstar's buyer, and to all our Darkstar neighbors. You know who you are and what you did!
Right now I am looking for another dedicated server. Today I have two at Hetzner, and every day I want a third. Additionally, I definitely am interested in a US location, possibly near New York City or in the Southwest. But, enough talk of new servers for now. Tonight, I am remembering Darkstar!
I hope everyone gets the servers they want!
Congrats Sir
so odd..
I don't get it.
Yeah i am confused too. Sold the family
Currently Using Hetzner , OVH , Buyvm , Webhorizon , Hyonix , ConnectIndo
A summary description of Darkstar might help those who do not know about it.
The horror... the horror...
More like Dorkstar. Bunch of nerrrrrrrrrrds.
It was an old server filled with digitised VHS-era pornography.
Smells like my kinda town.
The hairy one, the good one.
Hairer than @Not_Oles beard.
Sold the daughter.
No hostname left!
Where is @cociu getting all this money from if he's so far in debt?
He has a sweet, tight anus.
Before woman shaving was invented?
Previous generations found pubic hair matted as a result of being jizzed on extremely erotic.