Package manager for Windows
Today I learn that there is the equivalent of apt, yum, dnf, and pkg for Windoze. It is called Chocolatey:
So, you can totally do stuff like:
choco install notepadplusplus --force --force-dependencies
choco install nodejs.install --version 0.10.35
choco upgrade notepadplusplus googlechrome atom 7zip
choco uninstall nodejs.install --all-versions
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I learned it today too.
There's also one coming from Microsoft:
There may be bloatware ahead..
It wisnae me! A big boy done it and ran away.
NVMe2G for life! until death (the end is nigh)
I deployed Chocolatey last year. It simplified software updates significantly. No more clicking through multiple pages of the installer, or reading the never ending license agreement.
I wish ALL software can be installed via Chocolatey, including those industrial control software and paid Microsoft products (prompt for license key on first run).
Accepting submissions for IPv6 less than /64 Hall of Incompetence.
Check out Scoop too. It's a great package manager for CLI stuff.
There was a ton of drama about their stuff basically copying a FOSS implementation. (And unfortunately they could - license used was permissive)
I mean why shouldn't they copy? Wouldn't you? It's a stupid thing to complain about. If they didn't want this to happen they should've used a different licence like GPL or something.
Everyone's a Free Software person until Micro&Soft copy your code.